Monday, October 9, 2017


     We are searching to identify a physical locus for a
    as the hub of a group Minds acting in-and-as a Global Virtual          Innovation  Network (VIN ), a Collective Mind Creating Mind.

MIND is a MultiCoRelational Semiotic (Sign) System recognized as an entity (organism or machine) minimally exhibiting self-awareness and intentional behavior.

Since ALL that is known by humans is known by Mind, all queries must ultimately rest on the first of queries, that being to Know Mind.

Following the MultiCoRelational Pragmatic Action Methodology as the WHOLE FIELD RELATIONAL Methodology of a new Science,

  • ·     this being an instantiation of a profound scientific recognition of modern times, i.e. that the Universe no longer can be categorized only through objects/things, but rather must be seen as fundamentally relational, and if the manifest Universe is relational, then it behooves us to understand how relations relate! [From “A New Transforming Symbol System?” by Jon Ray Hamann and Jeanne Pontius Rindge (1978), HUMAN DIMENSIONS, Volume 6, Number 2, pg. 3],

ThoughtSigns’ mission and long-term goal is to develop a Standard MultiCoRelational (MCR) Theory of Mind and to create a Synthetic Relational Semiotic-based Mind, itself with an instantiation as a MCR Virtual Science Lab (ultimately incorporating Virtual Scientists).

Both the particularization and general breadth and depth of this mission is within the creation of the ChaotiCosmos via the innovation of the THE 7 SYNs: Strategic Viewpoints of Possible Relational Futures;
  • SYN1: Creation of MultiCoRelational Sign Systems
  • SYN2: Synthesis of Field as a pure (non-thingness) Interrelated Relations (RO3) form of Sign System
  • SYN3: Synthesis of Matter/Energy as a form of Field including Systemic (thingness) Material/Energetic Interrelations
  • SYN4: Synthesis of Life as formed via the emergence of RO3 sign forms in the Material/Energetic Field
  • SYN5: Synthesis of Mind as both being and meta-imaging acts minimally exhibiting self-awareness and intentional behavior in both Pure (RO3) and Material/Energetic Field forms
  • SYN6: Synthesis of Language in the RO3 form for social communication
  • SYN7: Synthesis of Society as Interrelated Relational (RO3) Collective Sign Systems

We're looking to form a grassroots people's network of Autonomous Thinkers of all ages and backgrounds and commitments. Together they will be the source of the diverse experience, inspiration and innovation through which Humanity can creatively participate in the continued evolution of consciousness in the Universe via the Synthesis of Mind. This approach is to be distinguished from any approach founded solely upon the restricted experience and Worldview of an "authority-based" selection of small communities of experts.

The purpose of this blog is to serve as an information/communications center regarding the organization of a global internet-based research network directed at the cooperative synthesis and application of computer-based virtual intelligence(s)/virtual mind. It is intended to structure this effort as an open participation opportunity for anyone or everyone at anytime and everywhere to individually and/or collectively, dynamically and interactively, record their personally experienced sense and conceptualization of mind, i.e. a True People’s Collaborative Research Facility.

The expected mid-range result of this open participation network is to develop the philosophical and formal foundations, theories and models, technological syntheses and applications of an evolving Synthetic Mind (SynMind) needed to move from the current (2017) State of Consciousness of Humanity to the Singularity; that is, to the point of realization of the technological creation of an on-the-average smarter-than-human Synthetic Intelligence (SynIntell). The methodology invoked envisions an Open Participation Virtual Institute/University/Campus (from Latin, campus means “field”) for Fundamental SynMind Research and Development with periodic User Rollouts of Limited SynIntell Applications as they appear either responsive to an applied need or offer an advance in the extant technology.

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