Tuesday, May 27, 2008



PROJECT AUTOGNOMICS is a long term project of the AutoGnomics Group of Companies (AGC), “loosely initiated around 1990”, directed at developing a standard theory of MIND and technologically implementing it in stages as a SyntheticMind (SynMind), the AutoGnome.  At the core of the effort is the elucidation of the distinction between the mind and the brain, this latter being a biophysical center for manifesting the emergent relational form and processes defined as “mind”.

“We cannot imprison the mind in the brain. The mind is in every cell of our body and also extends into the whole universe”.  Deepack Chopra – “The Sun”, April 2013, pg. 48]

It is finally being acknowledged by the advanced edge of inquiry in the established academic/research community that life at the level of the individual cell (e.g. the single cell bacterium) exhibits “anticipatory behavior”, a necessary property in defining “consciousness/mind”. More generally, however, the key characterization of “mind” is that it is a semiotic (i.e. sign-based, e.g. natural language, mathematics, art, etc.) system.

· At the human bio-level the human genome project revolutionized creative genetics [at a cost of $3.8 billion over 13 years; with an estimated value created over 20 years (at 2010) of $800 billion].
· At the human neurological-brain level the proposed human cognome project intends the complete mapping of the brain-sensor-effector system [estimated cost and benefits not yet agreed upon, but likely comparable to the genome project].  
· At the human mind level Project AutoGnomicsTM intends to experientially map the semiotic organization of the human mind, thereon to formulate a standard theory of mind, and to technologically synthesize and applicationally engineer its implementation (the AutoGnomeTM), all via an open participation social network of collective intelligent communities of inquiry, innovation and implementation [the current citizen science effort to map the human microbiome is analogous], focused on developing and commercializing incremental Synthetic Intelligence (SI) components of this SynMind. The platform for this effort will itself be an early app of such components derived from key products, specifically AutoGnomics StartSmartR Technology.
  •  [A WAG cost estimate for Project AutoGnomics including cash and in kind services: $750 thousand to re-design a specification, $2.5 to $7.5 million to build a comprehensive first version, and (including income, from partial SI products, applied to continuing development) $75 million to code a complete AutoGnome, and $750 million ($500 million to $1billion not being unusual) to develop an AutoGnomic Operating System, all over 7-14 years with a projected $750 billion of realized value over 14-21 years from Project initiation to adequate product market penetration]. NOTE: This total of $833,250,000 for Project AutoGnomics is only slightly over 20% of the Human Genome project cost of $3,800,000,000.
The AutoGnome  (AG) is a class of Synthetic Intelligence technology that implements a semiotic model of mind that is both revolutionary and viable. Unlike conventional Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is often grounded in complex engineering solutions to narrowly-defined applications, or conversely, in approximate modeling of human psychology, neural-physiology, or brain science (like the Brain-Mapping Project), the AutoGnome  is a MultiCoRelational formally (mathematically)-grounded theory of mind that accounts for degrees of genuine, but non-anthropomorphically confined, mindfulness. Project AutoGnome  development aspires to virtual minds in virtual communities that are fully generalized—capable of adapting to any environment—and autonomous—with an emergent self not dependent on external input or control. Hence, the AutoGnome includes, but is not limited to or by, AI.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Mapping the NEW (VIRTUAL RELATIONAL) WORLD: Formal/Theoretical Sketches Initially Focused on SynMIND {Re:SYN7-Maps}

This continuing post, which will also always begin with the identifier {Re:SYNx-Maps, where x=1to7}, will concentrate only on annotated text outlines and/or charts or tables or other graphic formats, i.e. “Maps”.
All images in this post can be enlarged by clicking on them
Simplistic Formal Model (Hamann, 1978)

The following formal signification system (Relationalgraphs), because of its graphic nature and relatively common and widespread use in the limited form of the classical Systemic “graphs", has greatly aided in explaining the multiple Relational forms of Relational Systems. By way of introduction, it need only be known that a “graph” is by definition a “set of points connected by a set of lines”. For the purpose of illustrating these concepts, let a “system” be represented by a dot “O” and a “relation” by a line “—”. The four Relational Forms are:

The RO1 form is the historically pervasive Systemic form. In contrast, RO3 is one of the hypothesized Relational forms which has no existence in classical graphs since lines by definition can only join at points. Hence the creation of Relationalgraphs allows for the inclusion of other sign forms such as RO3 which permits signification of experience of Interrelated Relation, here signified by a formal sign system in which a line is hypothesized to connect (Interrelate) two other lines without points. If the weight of evidence in personal experience accumulatively supports the hypothesis, we will have successfully advanced the potential for communicative growth of humanity. Remember, though, that content in signs obviously changes slowly. Change in the form of signs will be painfully imperceptible.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Systems its members support...

As a devout “Trout Angling Nut” I am intrinsically tied to the streams and rivers of my world. For me, fly fishing transcends hobby to religion or spirituality. As such I am continually concerned about the foundation of my church. I have always been amazed at the abuse from contamination and waste a stream can endure and still support a moderately healthy trout fishery. Still, the signs of extreme danger are all around. Many of the fisheries across the world now breathe life only through strict state sponsored “Stocking Respirators.” The balance of which continually hangs by a thread. Every Fly Fishing person who has cast upon a “wild trout stream” and “stocked stream” can tell you the immediate danger of this “Western practice of monoculture agriculture” and aquaculture. A wild trout stream is at the same time difficult to fish and greatly rewarding. Wild trout streams are generally very resilient to disease and extreme acts of weather. On the other hand, Stocked Streams can be quite easy to fish, but prone to complete extinction by slight fluctuations of weather or microbial introduction. To develop a healthy balance with the ecosystem we rely on finding true answers. Still, it is often so difficult for members of western based industrial cultures to make meaningful changes when our lives rely on the very mechanism that pollutes it. To make a true transformation we must find a way to disconnect from the “Fossil Fuel Exchange System.” When the means of heating and lighting our homes, of packaging and transporting our food, of cultivating our fields and transporting our families all rely on “A System of Pollution”, we can never truly be fully conceptualized participants in a Rural or Urban Transformation. My intent here is certainly not to suggest that change will happen overnight. I only contend that the first step towards an AgReCultural (R)Evolution will rely on developing the Systems its members support, because these Systems satisfactorily support its members.

Monday, May 12, 2008

RE-CREATING SOCIETY: The Rural Perspective {Re:SYN7-RuralTransformations 1(RT1)}




AgReCulturing the WORLD

This continuing post, which will always begin with the identifier {Re:SYN7- with sub-identifiers (RT) for Rural Transformations and (UT) for Urban Transformations, this latter including Suburban, Town and Village}, will be the only entry point inviting open participation in the evolving Community of Relational Thoreauian-inspired, Free-thinking, Libertarian, Societal Re-Creating, Humanistic Activists focused on Synthesizing Society. To participate, begin by Adopting-a-Gnome as per the procedure laid out in the post herein titled, Adopt-a-Gnome. Read the section entitled “What is the Adopt-a-Gnome Program” and then follow the directions under “How does one Adopt-a-Gnome?” As a TrueThinker, having subscribed through www.AHAInstitute.TrueThinker.com, one immediately becomes a participating Relational Activist simply by way of the incorporation of their personal MindClone (MyKnowledgeBank) in the AHA! Institute-SYNSoc Community Knowledge Bank; this latter serves as a resource knowledge-base for these Societal Transformations. More specifically, however, each open-entry participant is free to engage actively in Re-Creating Society at whatever level of Pragmatic Knowledge Value they competently offer as assessed by the AHA! Community–Builder(s).

WHY THE RURAL FOCUS? [Data from a report on the 2006 World Water Forum]

Farmers are central to the Global environmental crises. Why?

  • 2.5 billion people, roughly 40% of the World’s population, live off the land

  • Most live on 525 million small farms of 5 acres or less

  • These farmers suffer most from poverty, disease, lack of sanitation and clean water, and lack of educational access

  • This accounts for 842 million of the World’s hungry, starving or undereducated

  • These farms account for 70% of the World’s water consumption and most of its waste, although these farmers live on less than 2.5 gallons of water per day – one thirtieth of the daily usage in developed nations

Perhaps even more critically detrimental to the Earth’s health is the Western practice of monoculture agriculture. The result is a catastrophe happening.

RURAL TRANSFORMATIONS (to be initiated through several inter-related blogs such as the TrueFarmer.com blog suggested below, BUT WITH AN EXPECTED FOCUS TO BE ON FEATURING THE RURAL LEARNING CENTER OF HOWARD, SOUTH DAKOTA)
The purpose for these blogs is that they might serve as the unifying platform for creating/organizing the virtual collaborative and integrated learning (knowledge development and diffusion) environment to help rural communities achieve viable and vital futures.

Click on the image to enlarge