To lead in the Global WHOLE-istic Re-culturing
of Humanity via a First People’s model begun in a select North America Indian Nation based first
on the development of a MutiCoRelational (Multilingual/Multicultural)
Indigenous University which would then provide the innovation
foundation to grow the Nation, e.g. into an international Intelligent Community Forum candidate as a notice to the
World of the birthing of a New Relational Age born of the ancient traditions of
all Indigenous People expressed in the Lakota aphorism, “mitakuye oyasin” (we are all related).
Mission/Strategic Approach
To focus on the Democratization of Access to Knowledge and
Capital, both individually and collectively, through SmartR Technology in Enterprise Development
with an initial concentration on Education, Research, Entrepreneurial
Technology Development & Business Applications. The SmartR Technology is PTI’s
licensed AutoGnomicsTM [i.e. Self-Knowing] Knowledge Technologies. Knowledge-itself is taken to be the
fundamental value when Truthful, Relevant,
and Collectively Good for Humanity. The
initial applications focus is on the HealthCare and Environmental Restoration Industries.
PTI’s General Process
decisions driven by the best available knowledgeTherapeutics: actions directed towards enhancing humanity’s wellbeing in life & environment
Innovation: ideation (conception), incubation (gestation), introduction (birthing)
& investment (nurturing) in entrepreneurial/enterprise development
PTI's Initial Knowledge Focus
A. BioPhysical/BioChemical Life Components
B. Precellular/Cellular Life Organization and Processes
C. Mind/Body InterRelations and Synthetic Intelligence/Mind
PTI’s Startup Application Focus Candidate
Empowering Innovators in Complex Carbohydrate Chemistry for Diabetes
Therapeusis and Oxygen Supplementation
First Peoples throughout the world face persistent
challenges in community and economic development while protecting and growing their
multi-lingual/multi-cultural distinctions and sovereign nation status while
successfully interfacing with the broader non-indigenous world community. In
order to compete and collaborate successfully, First Peoples must create
new best practices in both business and government which begins from a
recognition of their distinct cultures’ assets.
Every cultural tradition integrates ideas about ultimate existence (ChaotiCosmology) with ideas about which experiences ultimately matter (Ethics/Morality & Aesthetics). Recognizing that there is an accelerating growth in the awareness of the limits of the Systemic (thing-based, reductionist or mechanistic) Western Scientific Worldview, it is becoming ever more urgent for the sustainability of humanity to turn to a parallel focus emphasizing the necessity of a Relational Natural Worldview as the future. If the manifest Universe is relational, however, it behooves us to understand how relations relate! With this realization there comes the need to foundationally re-formulate the standard historical notion of “relation” which throughout recorded history has never addressed the possibility of MultiCoRelational forms. [The creation of MultiCoRelationalism has been introduced beginning in the period from 1963 to 1978 and is continuing at an exponentially growing pace]. The central challenge of the twenty-first century will be to integrate a (R)Evolutionary ChaotiCosmology with an Ecocentric Morality. An approach seems to be forming around the Epic of a CoCreative ChaotiCosmic (R)Evolution emerging from the necessarily irreducible Felt-Thought interrelation of the Analytical (Inquiry and Inference) and Intuitive modes of MIND as a System-as-WHOLE (metaphorically in the HoloGraphic sense). But since a Whole is No-Thing it requires interrelated relations for its explication. Hence the Relational Natural Worldview is that of a Universe as WHOLE and the (R)Evolution in Humanity is toward a societal organization in which each person is as the Whole. Toward that end, the principles of cooperative/collaborative organization are fundamental.
In Native science, all relations are
related to other relations. Native people
have traditionally understood that creativity manifests itself in many ways, and that this creativity leads
to new knowledge and a greater understanding
of relations. The significance
of the Lakota aphorism, "mitakuye oyasin" stems from
the fact that it is a guiding principle of the "spiritual ecology"
held by every tribe in its perception of nature. Guided by this metaphysical
principle, people understood that all entities of nature—plants, animals, stones, trees, mountains, rivers, lakes, and a
host of other living entities— embodied
relations that must be honored. Through the seeking, making, sharing, and celebrating of these natural
relations, they learned the subtle,
but all important, language of relations. It was through such a mind-set over thousands of years, that Indigenous people accumulated their ecological
knowledge and Relational Worldview.
The rapid emergence of
Crowdsourced Knowledge Development including Citizen Science now has a focus on
Crowdsourcing Clinical Trials (CCT). CCT expands the potential
use of crowdsourcing from observational studies by adding it to truly
randomized interventional trials. Randomized experiments allow causal inference because they assign
subjects to a treatment and control group, and collect data from each. However,
the fact that much of public health is driven by lifestyle factors suggests that CCT’s platform for crowdsourcing
also has great potential to engage the public
in producing new and trustworthy knowledge in the domains of diet,
exercise, nutritional supplements, and integrative medicine, which are primary
drivers of health outcomes and spending. This adds critical information so patients may make informed decisions. Such
CCT problems are best addressed by a diverse yet cohesive community that can
bring to bear the various perspectives, knowledge, experience, insights, and
sheer volume of collective effort necessary to finding reasonable
solutions. The grand challenge
for such collective intelligence is enabling and encouraging a simple crowd
to become such a community, and to actively and coherently work
on such problems, producing outcomes that are valuable both inside and outside
the community. However, for many modern problems as with CCT, the availability
of people who would make up such an effective community requires a distributed
and asynchronous mediation. Approaches to logic, representation, and technology
found in typical information technology applications, primarily oriented on
representing settled data/facts about objects and events in the “outer world”, are
generally not very effective in representing the dynamic “inner world” of
emergent, often inconsistent thoughts and reasoning of individuals or
communities. The AutoGnome provides a generalized,
computer composable framework for relating experience (both past and
anticipated) and knowledge consistent with contemporary embodied and ecological
approaches to mind. Since AutoGnomics employs the same formal/semiotic
framework for organizing and representing both personal and communal collective
intelligence, it should be particularly effective in integrating with and
enhancing both collective and individual intelligence in advancing CCT to AutoGnomic
Community-sourced Critical Trials.