Tuesday, December 19, 2017


ThoughtEnActmentä Technology

[Modifed from Fred Reed’s “ThoughtWeaver” documents]



This document introduces a new cloud-based Knowledge Development tool--ThoughtEnActmentä (abbreviated as TEnA)--as a further development and combination of several prior AutoGnome-based technologies including TrueThinker (knowledge management), ThoughtWeaver (ideation), and Dewey (collective inquiry).
[The AutoGnome (a Virtual Mind Clone) is a self(auto)-knowing(gnome) software system capable of autonomous inquiry, inference and intuition.]



What problem does ThoughtEnActmentä address?

Web search (e.g., Google search) and social media (e.g. Twitter) technology have greatly accelerated the democratization of information, enabling new patterns of activity such as citizen science, prosumers (producers & consumers), and crowdsourcing. However, while this technology has enhanced capabilities to create, find, and share information, it does little to directly support creating new ideas and solving problems. For example, keyword search is highly effective for finding content when one has a clear idea of what one is looking for, but is useless when what is sought is not yet imaginable, let alone describable in specific keywords. While social applications such as StackOverflow help people solve problems, they do so by enabling and organizing distributed and asynchronous communications that are essentially the same as unaided face-to-face conversation. In other words, there is little direct support for the special processes related to generating creative solutions to difficult and ill-defined challenges. There is a long history of research and development of methods and processes aimed at enhancing “creativity”, but no solution has emerged that successfully exploits cloud infrastructure and emerging software capabilities.
We believe the fundamental problem preventing a breakthrough knowledge development application is conceptual, not technological. As long as “information” and “knowledge” are treated as objective content to be stored and transmitted via the cloud, the mysterious processes by which they come to be will remain hidden within the personal thoughts and actions of users of applications. The AutoGnome-based TEnA solution, however, is based on a radically different concept that integrates the subjective, intuitive, pragmatic, and creative nature of knowledge and information with the distributed computational power of the human-computer symbiotic cloud (technology and it’s users).

What are the potential benefits?

On an individual level, TEnA:
·         Facilitates and encourages a systematic and full process of ideation;
·         Captures the ongoing flow of ideation in a recoverable (and machine-interpretable) way to enable continuity of ideation over much longer periods of time and experimentation to overcome personal constraints on time and effort;
·         Exploits the cloud as a source of “proto-ideas” for incorporation into the user’s creative process in order to both avoid reinventing the wheel, as well as provide confidence that new ideas are genuinely novel;
·         Maps out the spread of social knowledge in order to both better ground the user’s thinking in broader consensus as well as conversely nudge such thinking in new and creative directions (i.e., ‘thinking outside the box’).
At a social level, TEnA:
·         Provides an explicit and transparent means for collaboration on all levels and phases of ideation and problem   solving;
·         Provides a rich archive of the ideation process to facilitate communication and argument for new ideas to   others;
·         Allows others to pick up trains of thought where others left off, or re-open such trains of thought (and resultant ideas) when new needs, conditions or capabilities emerge.

What’s the basic idea?

The basic idea behind TEnA is that the abstract theory of signs and sign processes laid out by Charles Peirce, Gene Pendergraft, and others, can be used to instantiate a relatively simple, concrete, but general process for ideation.  By itself, any tool for encouraging and guiding effective user behavior through this generalized process gains important benefits through completeness and consistency of habits.  In addition, by using social networking and web content as a reflection of the community in which ideation occurs, additional benefits are obtained through greater social awareness and variety.  And finally, by closely integrating human and machine representations (and ultimately mechanized thought!), additional benefits are gained through opportunities for machine-mediated human-to-human communication and collaboration, human-machine symbiosis, and ultimately any-to-any social collaboration in virtual communities of humans and intelligent machines.

ThoughtEnActment design

What are the important components of creativity?

At the base of the process of ideation embodied in TEnA are Peirce’s three categories, which for present purposes are called: Possibles, Examples, and Reasons. Every ideation or problem solving process will incorporate signs representing thoughts of these three types into a more complete Idea.
Possibles are conceptual building blocks that are selected and combined into more specific and complete ideas. 
Examples are specific combinations of Possibles brought together through the motivation of satisfying Reasons.
Reasons are the non-specific goals driving the thought process, such as desire to improve something or fulfill an unmet desire.
Another important distinction in TEnA is between the contexts in which thoughts (or, more specifically, signs representing such thoughts) are held: Communal, Personal, and Inquiry. The Communal context is that part of thoughts that are generally shared in a community through signs (e.g., words). But, TEnA users might differ on the relative Personal significance and meaning of such thought-signs, and each of those individuals might differ in what they are Inquiring about.

How are the components related?

Each of the first three categories (Possibles/Examples/Reasons) have a “life” in one or more of the contexts, taking on potentially different shades of meaning, value, significance, etc. in each such context. When certain Possibles are selected for a Reason in the context of an Inquiry, they become potential Features of an outcome of the inquiry. Similarly, when an Example is selected as satisfying some Reason, it is said to be a potential Solution. In general, the process behind TEnA is an iterative one that flows from Communal Possibles, Reasons, and Examples through the Personal and Inquiry contexts; while “weaving” new elements—either new to this inquiry, or completely new--into more complete Ideas through the intermediate stages of Features and Solutions.

What is the process that TEnA enables?

At the start, there must be some initiation of the ideation process on one or more user’s part.  They might have a general need they want to fulfill (i.e., starting with a Reason), or some new capability they want to exploit (i.e., as a possible Feature of a new idea), or some existing solution they want to improve or build on (i.e., starting with an Example). From any starting point, the Communal universe of ideas and their components is usually the raw material for weaving new ideas, as it is more efficient than starting with a blank slate. The inquirer will then select and interpret these thoughts Personally and in the context of the Inquiry at hand.  The result is an aggregate of selected Possibles, Reasons and Examples that are the focus of the first iteration of ideation. From this focus-in-context, the user further relates existing or novel Possibles and Examples with Reasons to form new potential Features and Solutions.  They may also iteratively value thoughts within each category (e.g., value one Feature more than another). Finally, when valued Features and Solutions are brought into conscience awareness, certain collections of them may begin to coalesce into more complete Ideas. At every iteration, the user will re-examine or add to previous judgments—such as selecting new thought-signs from the communal universe (or adding their own new thoughts to the mix); re-valuing and creating new potential Features and Solutions; and finally improving existing Ideas or creating new ones.
Such a process may proceed through the effort of one or many users bound to a common Inquiry (e.g., a family looking for a better vacation destination) with TEnA support. Perhaps more importantly, TEnA facilitates across inquiries and their respective user(s) by not only constantly building up and maintaining the Communal context in which Inquiry procedes, but also proposing relations between users and their Inquiries such as suggesting Features and Examples that others have valued for similar Reasons (e.g., travel destinations and features others have found novel or interesting).

How is the MindCloneä  to be used?

By observing how an individual or community selects, combines, values, and relates elements within the ideation process, an AutoGnomic MindClone can over time create a synthetic mind with similar habits of thought and action.  With this knowledge, the MindClone can anticipate the habits of the user (or community in general) to perform a number of potentially valuable services:
·         Make recommendations for new Possibles, Reasons, and Examples in the communal universe to be brought into the context of the inquiry;
·         Suggest Features, Solutions and eventually Ideas as starting points for user ideation and refinement;
·         Re-direct attention to non-habitual thoughts to help think “outside the box”;
·          Suggest opportunities for collaboration with like- (or unlike-) minded persons working on similar inquiries;

·         Gather and share information with other MindClones autonomously in “virtual collaboration”.

Monday, October 9, 2017


     We are searching to identify a physical locus for a
    as the hub of a group Minds acting in-and-as a Global Virtual          Innovation  Network (VIN ), a Collective Mind Creating Mind.

MIND is a MultiCoRelational Semiotic (Sign) System recognized as an entity (organism or machine) minimally exhibiting self-awareness and intentional behavior.

Since ALL that is known by humans is known by Mind, all queries must ultimately rest on the first of queries, that being to Know Mind.

Following the MultiCoRelational Pragmatic Action Methodology as the WHOLE FIELD RELATIONAL Methodology of a new Science,

  • ·     this being an instantiation of a profound scientific recognition of modern times, i.e. that the Universe no longer can be categorized only through objects/things, but rather must be seen as fundamentally relational, and if the manifest Universe is relational, then it behooves us to understand how relations relate! [From “A New Transforming Symbol System?” by Jon Ray Hamann and Jeanne Pontius Rindge (1978), HUMAN DIMENSIONS, Volume 6, Number 2, pg. 3],

ThoughtSigns’ mission and long-term goal is to develop a Standard MultiCoRelational (MCR) Theory of Mind and to create a Synthetic Relational Semiotic-based Mind, itself with an instantiation as a MCR Virtual Science Lab (ultimately incorporating Virtual Scientists).

Both the particularization and general breadth and depth of this mission is within the creation of the ChaotiCosmos via the innovation of the THE 7 SYNs: Strategic Viewpoints of Possible Relational Futures;
  • SYN1: Creation of MultiCoRelational Sign Systems
  • SYN2: Synthesis of Field as a pure (non-thingness) Interrelated Relations (RO3) form of Sign System
  • SYN3: Synthesis of Matter/Energy as a form of Field including Systemic (thingness) Material/Energetic Interrelations
  • SYN4: Synthesis of Life as formed via the emergence of RO3 sign forms in the Material/Energetic Field
  • SYN5: Synthesis of Mind as both being and meta-imaging acts minimally exhibiting self-awareness and intentional behavior in both Pure (RO3) and Material/Energetic Field forms
  • SYN6: Synthesis of Language in the RO3 form for social communication
  • SYN7: Synthesis of Society as Interrelated Relational (RO3) Collective Sign Systems

We're looking to form a grassroots people's network of Autonomous Thinkers of all ages and backgrounds and commitments. Together they will be the source of the diverse experience, inspiration and innovation through which Humanity can creatively participate in the continued evolution of consciousness in the Universe via the Synthesis of Mind. This approach is to be distinguished from any approach founded solely upon the restricted experience and Worldview of an "authority-based" selection of small communities of experts.

The purpose of this blog is to serve as an information/communications center regarding the organization of a global internet-based research network directed at the cooperative synthesis and application of computer-based virtual intelligence(s)/virtual mind. It is intended to structure this effort as an open participation opportunity for anyone or everyone at anytime and everywhere to individually and/or collectively, dynamically and interactively, record their personally experienced sense and conceptualization of mind, i.e. a True People’s Collaborative Research Facility.

The expected mid-range result of this open participation network is to develop the philosophical and formal foundations, theories and models, technological syntheses and applications of an evolving Synthetic Mind (SynMind) needed to move from the current (2017) State of Consciousness of Humanity to the Singularity; that is, to the point of realization of the technological creation of an on-the-average smarter-than-human Synthetic Intelligence (SynIntell). The methodology invoked envisions an Open Participation Virtual Institute/University/Campus (from Latin, campus means “field”) for Fundamental SynMind Research and Development with periodic User Rollouts of Limited SynIntell Applications as they appear either responsive to an applied need or offer an advance in the extant technology.

Monday, September 18, 2017



At the core of every cultural tradition is a story which attempts to integrate ideas about ultimate existence (ChaotiCosmology) with ideas about which experiences ultimately matter morally (i.e. advancing the Value of Human Goodness). When these stories appear intellectually implausible and/or morally irrelevant, within or between cultures, they render culture generally vulnerable to crisis. There is now a critical need on a global scale for constructing a new and unique Story, a global ‘mythology’, of Human Culture as Whole(Ness).  The central challenge of the twenty-first century will be to integrate a Relational Evolutionary (R-Evolutionary) ChaotiCosmology with an Ecocentric Morality recognizing the universal tension between Truth by Adapting Presumed Beliefs to Experience versus Truth by Adapting Experience to Presumed Beliefs. Such a story seems to be forming around the Epic of a CoCreative ChaotiCosmic R-Evolution emerging from the absolute need to Re-Relate the Analytical (Inquiry and Inference) and Intuitive modes of consciousness as MIND.

The drive to Inquire, being the natural state of the Individual Human Mind, will generally sustain the individual unless blocked by other’s acts. This is not to dismiss the constant presence of unforeseen acts of “nature” which can circumstantially render a person ineffective if not dead. But, in order to learn, one must continue as an individual to desire to learn. Yet, the history of the evolution of human forms of collective organization, from group to community to society and state, evidences a tendency of the collective form, at whatever level, to emerge as a system with real or virtual centralized control of its parts, i.e. the people as individuals. This is true throughout the range of forms of the controller from individual or small group “authorities” through specialist managers to the rule of the majority. The result is that the process of inquiry favors the collective need at the expense of the individual’s self-determination with a resulting diminution of self-motivation. Recognizing also, however, that organisms of most, if not all forms, have increased chances of survival through cooperation in collectives, Humanity with its current emphasis on centralized control form of collective organization faces an either-or dilemma in its choice between individual autonomy vs. collective effectiveness. The resolution of the dilemma requires that we understand that a collective system can also be formed as being a Cooperative System-As-Whole.

The last half of the 20th century evidenced a growing unrest with our present conceptualizations of experience, in particular, in socio-economic, cultural & political organization. This trend is now rapidly approaching a crisis point which will necessitate a major shift in world view. An emerging paradigm is one in which the universe in all of   its parts is viewed as a super hologram. The unifying feature is the concept of the Whole as a relational form which presences in each and every part— i.e. where thinking as a part and acting as the whole IS thinking as the whole and acting as a part.

It is the existence of the "The Whole as No-Thing", the essence of which is Interrelated Relation, which is the novel, unique foundation principle of MultiCoRelational  Systems, and is conjectured to be conditionally necessary and sufficient for Creating Life and  Mind as Whole.

One of the most profound scientific recognitions of modern times is that the Universe no longer can be categorized only through objects/things, but rather must be seen as fundamentally relational. If the manifest Universe is relational, then it behooves us to understand how relations relate! From “A New Transforming Symbol System?” by Jon Ray Hamann and Jeanne Pontius Rindge (1978), HUMAN DIMENSIONS, Volume 6, Number 2, pg. 3

 Not surprisingly, one of the most significant remaining unmined potentials is in the rich base of human, social, relational and intellectual capital to be found in small (including from one up to a small handful of entrepreneurial persons) to medium size enterprises. A strong and independent small enterprise system disperses economic power, localizes economic decision-making, and protects the potential for voluntary cooperative organization.

THE NEED in order to effectively engage this resource is for the creation of new processes and technologies for improving personal and organizational effectiveness in “Knowledge Development” implemented through an organizational and management architecture respecting autonomy throughout its hierarchical and heterarchical levels by effecting co-intelligence in a cognitive network for Collective Decision Making to support and extend Individual InnovationTHE SOLUTION is an Intelligized Wikinomics via a Cognitive Network of AutoGnomes, i.e. a CogWeb or WIKIGNOME.


 [This section is edited by condensation from Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, Published by Portfolio, 2006]
Throughout history corporations have organized themselves according to strict hierarchical lines of authority. There was always someone or some company in control. While hierarchies are not vanishing, profound changes in the nature of technology, demographics, and the global economy are giving rise to powerful new models based on community, collaboration, and self-organization rather than on hierarchy and control.

Millions now use blogs, wikis, chat rooms, and personal broadcasting to add their voices to a vociferous stream of dialogue and debate called the “blogosphere.” Employees drive performance by collaborating with peers across organizational boundaries, creating what we call a “wiki workplace.” Customers become “prosumers” by cocreating goods and services rather than simply consuming the end product.

Smart companies are encouraging, rather than fighting, the heaving growth of massive online communities—many of which emerged from the fringes of the Web to attract tens of millions of participants overnight such as MySpace, InnoCentive, flickr, Second Life, YouTube, and the Human Genome Project. Indeed, as a growing number of firms see the benefits of mass collaboration, this new of way organizing will eventually displace the traditional corporate structures as the economy’s primary engine of equitably just wealth creation. Already this new economic model extends to virtually every part of the global economy.

The conclusion from all of this is striking and enormously positive. Billions of connected individuals can now actively participate in innovation, wealth creation, and social development in ways we once only dreamed of. And when these masses of people collaborate they collectively can advance the arts, culture, science, education, government, and the economy in surprising but ultimately democratically profitable ways. Companies that engage with these exploding Web-enabled communities are already discovering the true dividends of collective capability and genius.

To succeed, it will not be sufficient to simply intensify existing management strategies. Leaders must think differently about how to compete and be profitable, and embrace a new art and science of collaboration we call Wikinomics. This is more than open source, social networking, so called crowd sourcing, smart mobs, crowd wisdom, or other ideas that touch upon the subject. Rather, we are talking about deep changes in the structure and modus operandi of the “corporation” and our economy, based on new competitive principles such as openness, peering, sharing, and acting globally.


·         In the process of material/energetic evolution, the origin of sign (=image) is posited to be a necessary and (possibly) sufficient condition for the evolutionary origin of life.
·         The greatest innovation in the history of human life experience, i.e. language (a sign system), provided the foundation on which all future progress of human culture/society would be built.
·         The communication of experience, this being the crux of societal systems, rests in-and-on language or, more generally signs (for Systems or Relations) which are acknowledged to be the essence of mind (recognizing the “carrier” role of the brain).
·         The problem of understanding mind is assumed to be first [since understanding per se is a function of mind, it follows that the very process of understanding itself can be enhanced by first understanding mind, particularly in its synthetic extension, the AutoGnome] among three of the great cosmic mysteries—the being, nature and becoming of the Universe, the being, nature and becoming of Life and the being, nature and becoming of Mind.
·         Not only is what we can think constrained by the languages (signs) we use, language use itself requires a different logic for inquiry vs. inference vs. intuition. This consideration is inherent to the applied multicorelational premise regarding synthetic mind.
·         We are in the midst of sweeping global economic and social transformations  (the blogosphere and wiki workplace) where creativity has replaced physical labor and large-scale bureaucracy as the key source of community and economic growth. We face an information-based, chaotically changing environment in which success depends on the superiority of continually accelerated Wikinomic Innovation.
·         Synthetic (Virtual) Intelligence/Mind is also the essence of virtuality (an autonomous semiotic universe (the cyberverse) in which information (signification) is transferable (communicatable) only among virtual minds); thus Virtuality is Related to  (Human) Reality through the Virtual Reality of the Web.
·         It is rapidly becoming evident to key decision makers that this demand for accelerating wikinomic innovation is only possible through evolving Synthetic Intelligence (SI) which has the potential to impact every aspect of human life. The problem/dilemma for SI developers is that there is no standard, workable theory of mind.
·         It is the provision of this latter (the standard) that is the intent of our current development of the AutoGnome as Synthetic Intelligence/Mind and it is believed that we are in a five year window (2017-2022) as the critical time during which the three or so industry leaders will emerge as forging the standard for this Virtual Universe populated by Synthetic Intelligences/Synthetic Minds.

AutoGnomics (AG) is a MultiCoRelational Self-Reflective Semiotic Systems approach to the understanding of the “origin” and “nature” of Mind and the formulation of a General Theory of Mind and its Special All-Purpose Technological instantiations as Autonomous Hardware/Software Systems.  Application Products generically branded as AutoGnomes (e.g. the WebGnome as an AutoGnomically Intelligized website) are generally composed of two inter-defining parts, the AutoGnomic RelationSpace [AG R-Space] (the relational replacement of the “representational database”) and AutoGnomic RelationalGenesis [AG R-Genesis] (the relational replacement for “data-based computation"), or an AG R-Space&Genesis [ AG  R-S&G].



Semiotic Relational Systems
A Semiotic Relational System is a system of relations exhaustively admitting all forms of interrelatedness among systems and/or relations and with certain systems or relations (called signs) taking the place of (i.e. imaging (signifying)) other systems or relations to a specific mind.

The AutoGnome is a self-knowing general purpose software system of automated (autonomous) inquiry, inference and intuition exploiting a mechanized carrier system for relational semiosis as a virtual (synthetic) mind.

The Intellisite (an Intelligent WebSite) is a constructed software environment (a Website) with an embedded form of the AutoGnome known as a WebGnome, an intelligent agent residing in this cyberspace environment which, with its continuous adaptive learning from mimicking the user’s behavior, will grow into a likeminded replica (MindClone) of a user-self  acting  in the Virtual Reality of the Internet with the synthetic mind capabilities of the  AutoGnome.

The CoGnome is a selected WebGnome which, inter-connecting two or more Intellisites in a Network of Intellisites, provides a computerized collective intelligence, an automated co-intelligence, i.e. the Collective-AutoGnome (Auto(Co)Gnome) or simply the CoGnome.

The CogWeb is the Network of Intellisites implemening the CoGnome for Network Decision-Making by autonomously formed Intellisite-defined groups, organizations, communities and societies, i.e. a WIKIGNOME.

“More than at any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly”. Woody Allen


Within R.Elated’s Foundations Purpose of introducing the historically missing Formalization of MultiCoRelational Forms (Multi=multiple; Co=interrelated) into the Sign/Communication (Semiotic) Systems of Humanity and Thoughtsigns’s related Mission of MINDing the World through Technology, the overarching long term Strategy of Re-Creating A Virtual Universe as a MultiCoRelational WHOLE begins with the creation of Synthetic Intelligences enroute to a Synthetic Mind based on a Formal Theory of MultiCoRelational Semiotic Systems. This encompasses a formal algebra/logic of semiosis (currently termed AutoGnomics) and a theory of probable decision making including a generalized probabilistic optimization principal (now called GnosTeks), all functioning on a triadic continuum computer data recording structure (R-Space). As a descriptor place-holder, this is tentatively referred to as an “AutoGnomic (Self-knowing)/GnosTek (Knowledge Technology) or AG/GnosTeks (AG/G).

Thinking is a process of relating relationsfor both C.S.Peirce and H.W.Maturana

The Plan is to develop the Mind Technologies and efforts needed to move from the current (2017) State of Humanity to the Singularity; that is, to the point of realization of the technological creation of a smarter-than-human intelligence. The methodology invoked by AG/G envisions an Open Participation Institute for Fundamental SynMind Research and Development with periodic Proprietary Commercial Rollouts of Limited SynIntelligence Applications which will evolve to the point of a self-improving Synthetic Intelligence that will successfully enhance itself to the level where it can decide what to do next. The means to this end will require the Collaborative Networking of any and all voices willing to participate in developing the philosophical and formal principles, theoretical paradigms, technology architecture, and applications components needed to build a complete Mind possessed of general intelligence, capable of self-understanding, self- modification, and recursive self-enhancement.


The paradigm of the classical subject-object dichotomy, where static objects (reducible to atoms) are connected by relations, is increasingly being challenged today in philosophy, physics, and biology by a new paradigm. It describes the world as a flux of pure relations, where objects emerge only as dynamic stabilities. The input-output model as information theory’s version of the object paradigm up to now was the very foundation of computer science and its separation of data and code. In view of the new paradigm technical developments, computer science now also becomes affected by ‘radical relationism’, which does not record or process any data in the traditional (static) sense, but only generates data dynamically from a pure relation space, like computer generated images of a video game. [edited from Peter Krieg]

Sunday, May 21, 2017


 for a
In the preceding post introducing the Virtual Scientist, ThoughtSigns' (TSI)/StartSmartR Capital Corporation's (SCC’s) AutoGnomic (AG) “Collective Intelligent-Virtual Innovation Network” was offered as a formal response to both the DARPA “Next Generation Social Science Project” and to the “Earth Day 2017 March for Science” problem on how to effect the continuous evolution of a reformed science after the March.

DARPA’S NEXT GENERATION SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM aims to harness emerging technologies to tackle previously intractable social science challenges such as identifying the primary drivers of social cooperation, instability and resilience.

The MARCH FOR SCIENCE champions robustly funded and publicly communicated science as a pillar of human freedom and prosperity that upholds the common good and provides political leaders and policy makers evidence-based policies in the public interest.

SCC’s Partnering Agreement with Charles River Analytics (CRA) provides the basis for building an AutoGnomic-targeted social-networking platform for social science which could be developed by beginning with certain of CRA’s existent relevant software with the goal of adapting it and marketing it as an independent product. Toward that end, the following might exemplify the initiating approach:

CRA’s Cognitive Systems Engineering (CSE) approach to designing human and technical systems based on analysis of the user and their working environment could include; 

· Designing an Adaptive Design Application to guide the experimental design process based on research goals, constraints, and suitable methods;

· Figaro™, designed to enable development of probabilistic reasoning systems, is a fully expressive, open-source probabilistic programming language developed as part of DARPA’s PPAML program which includes learning and inference algorithms and is an ideal framework for Experimental Meta-Modeling;

· The Rapid Expertise Aggregation Supporting Optimal Negotiation (REASON) platform was developed to enable collaborative decision-making online;

· The Credibility Assessment and Intent Research Network (CAIRN), provided a platform for facilitating sharing among expert researchers and practitioners investigating the assessment of credibility and intent in linguistic data; and

The Organizational and Cultural Criteria for Subject Modeling (OCCSM) is a tool to support an Agents analysis and reasoning about a Subjects behavior. OCCSM allows an Agent to create a computational model of competing as well as of friendly or neutral Subject populations, which can then be linked to a variety of data sources that guides the Agent through a formalized approach to assessing, analyzing, and forecasting human behavior, specifically competitor acts




·         Automated Autonomous Inquiry/Inference Technologies (AIT’s) are the essence-to-be of the Virtual World generally, and specifically of E-Business in the Global Network Economy. The competitive edge will favor those with the highest relative measure of effectiveness of their respective AIT’s, both intensively (depth of applicability) and extensively (breadth of varying technologies encompassed). This will be true of business-in-general and, hence, of specific technology industries/commerce in particular. The dilemma facing the users of AIT’s is the wide range of seemingly distinct forms or, more to the point, the differing theoretical origins implicit therein.  Common to each of these, however is an effort intended to emulate, at least in part, some process(es) of human intelligence.  Hence, the dominance of the brain-inspired Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications proliferation.
·         Modern computing capacity (including both memory and speed) has enabled AI to grow in depth and breadth of performance in narrow applications such as machine vision, speech recognition, bioinformatics and health care decisions, all of which are impressive and of substantial human and commercial value. On the other hand, the distance between contemporary AI systems and many other presumed characteristics of mind and intelligence, such as performing logical reasoning, carrying on a conversation with another intelligent being, or explaining itself, is as great as ever in the history of AI. "Real" intelligence--if humans are to be a guide--includes a broad range of capabilities such as creativity, resourcefulness, social cooperation, and so on, that are far from the reach of the high-profile, commercially compelling approaches of AI.
·         As an alternative view of AIT development, SCC’s AutoGnome (AG) Technology treats the process of theory (and model) generation to be an exemplary pinnacle in the evolution of human intelligence.  Hence, a theory of the process of theory generation would itself be a comprehensive theory of intelligence/mind modeling the fundamental capability that enables humans to learn, adapt, and cooperate as they do--by creating, using, and refining a system of signs by and for itself. This ability makes the AutoGnome a superior approach to intelligent machines that will work closely with humans as CyberGnomes, first learning from them, then emulating them, and finally partnering with them as autonomous minds in advancing knowledge.
·         One such application is in collaborative man-machine communities of inquiry & inference (COI), such as in scientific research and community decision making. The type of intelligence required to participate in such a community includes full participation in the constant use and refinement of the natural and formal (e.g. mathematical) languages (systems of signs) used to reflect the growing collective knowledge and experience of the community. It also requires the ability to learn and understand the differences between individuals and how to interact with them as individuals. Hence the AutoGnome as an autonomous Synthetic Mind (Clone), both in the form of an individual or collective SynMind, has powerful instantiations as Virtual Scientists.
·         The problem visited upon AIT development of alternatives to AI is that for decades the funding sources have all but exclusively been committed to AI. Clearly the investment returns have been and remain rewarding. Amongst the various funding opportunity waves that we have experienced in our near-term past, most being relatively ordinary, although occasionally attractive, none have implicated the potential of the present synchronous circumstance of the DARPA Next Generation Social Science Project, which Charles River Analytics (CRA) is aggressively addressing, and the March for Science on Earth Day 2017, which has the unanswered problem of after the March of how to effect the continuous evolution of a reformed science.

·         Obviously, TSI-SCC’s AG [CRA-TSI] Collective Intelligent—Virtual Innovation Network is THE SOLUTION which has been long awaiting THE PROBLEM to be expressed in an accepting environment such as this synchronous circumstance. This is a rare opportunity for TSI/SCC both technologically (Science) and promotionally (Earth Day). This is our EPIC OPPORTUNITY WAVE to mount and ride. With our collective body, mind and spirit of science, focused on solving this problem, we can convince Humanity that the AG approach to creating a Synthetic Intelligence (AutoGnome=Mind Clone) has a key instantiation as a Virtual Scientist (autonomous inquiry and inference-deductive, inductive, and abductive) thus enabling the democratization of access for everyone to participate in Knowledge Creation, Discovery, Organization, Implementation and Sharing.