Saturday, November 10, 2018


THOUGHTSIGNS, INC. (TSI), dba ThoughtSigns Enterprise Systems (TES), is the Technology Founding Partner of the Not-for-Profit R and D and Education projects under “Impact Capital Formation Institute” (ICFI) (a subsidiary of Capital Formation Institute, Inc. (CFI)) and of the For-Profit Business projects Under “StartSmartR, Inc. TSI herein outlines a development proposal to build a PEOPLE'S [CITIZEN] SCIENCE APP.
PROPOSED: To build the APP within 24 months from the start date of a committed funding of $1,000,000. 
SCHEDULE: Projected cost and time for four sequential periods defined by the engineering tasks: (K=$1000)
1st - collect data and information, design and plan; ~ 84k; 2 mos; 2nd – Draft Specification in collaboration with the mind of Nature; 168K; 4 mos; 3rd – Build app; 588K; 14 mos; 4th – implement, test, modify as needed and release; 168k; 4 mos;

ThoughtSigns, Inc. is the developer of the AutoGnome (AG) class of intelligent technology derived from a formal theory of mind distinct from those underlying the vast majority of previous and current Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) approaches. This self (auto) knowing (gnomic) mind is designed to autonomously create and apply its own interpretation of the world to satisfy its specific intentions This novel feature means the AutoGnome model is equally applicable to both personal and collective intelligence at different levels and forms—from bacteria to humans, from swarms to nations. [See the attached “THE AUTOGNOMICS (AG) PROJECT”]

TSI's mission is to facilitate human prosperity through AutoGnomic amplified intelligence/knowledge conditioned by its Truth with Relevance and Value (Goodness) being positive for all Humanity. In order to manage this mission, TSI’s efforts are divided into three tracks: Conceptual, Research and Development (R&D), and Commercial. The three tracks come together in an ongoing formulation as a unique and novel MultiCoRelational AutoGnomic Science [Inquiry, Inference, Intuition, and Enactment]. The derived technology, products and services generated are in the aggregate referred to as SmartR Technology, which being ideal for Knowledge Development, will be deployed via a Knowledge Access Framework branded as ThoughtEnActment (TEA) initially focused on developing a GENERALIZED RELATIONAL formulation of a CITIZEN SCIENCE APP.

Respecting the disruptive influence this new extended formulation of the methodology of Science has on the current standard Scientific Establishment’s Physical Science Paradigm as the only authorized Scientific Method to discover truth, TSI is partnering with Intelligent Software (AI) developers to build from existing AI-apps by formal extension into AG interpreted-Apps. TSI’s prime partner in this effort is Charles River Analytics (CRA).

CITIZEN SCIENCE APP (Cit-Sci_APP) Citizen Science, in the broadest sense of the term, (rather than more constrained roles such as only data collection) is democratization of all aspects of inquiry. Engaging non-specialists in inquiry not only applies the diversity, knowledge and sheer quantity of effort available in the broader community, but also creates deeper understanding in citizens as stakeholders. For example, better understanding of environmental phenomena could lead to earlier and more effective collective decisions and political will to protect the environment. Similarly Videira documents the use of collective causal modeling to understand degrowth in a community as a path toward environmentally and socially sustainable futures (Videira et al. 2014). However, collective inquiry need not be applied to “serious” matters only, as it also already has its place in more recreational collective activities and hobbies. Duncan reports on fan theories for TV shows and movies where “The use of evidence, argumentation moves, and theory construction is highlighted, along with conclusions drawn about the use of online tools and collaboration in the development of chronology theories” (Duncan 2008).

Creation of causal models is a common means for development and representation of understanding in a domain of inquiry. There are many types of models appropriate to particular phenomena—mechanical, social, stable, dynamic, and so on. And, there are a number of technologies for aiding the creation of such models—from human-centered tools (e.g., diagramming tools) to automated algorithms for causal inference (e.g., Spirtes et al. 2010). However, no tools apparently exist that facilitate collaborative, collective, and incremental development of causal models by communities of non-specialists.

Charles River Analytics’s (CRA) Model Analyst's Toolkit (MAT) was designed to be learned and used easily by non-specialists in creating, analyzing, and validating scientific theories and models using real-world data. It provides a highly integrated suite of modeling tools, from model graphing to data ingest and mining, as well as automated causal inference and machine learning algorithms. It is, however, a stand-alone single-user application and not designed to support large-scale distributed and collaborative model development. On the other hand, it may be possible, using the internet, to augment MAT with communal inquiry support.

Such support may be related to the acquisition of data on which models are developed and assessed, as well as the generation and refinement of the models themselves. Conceptually, both kinds of support can be addressed through shared repositories of data and/or models that distributed single users of MAT collectively draw on and contribute to. Implementation of such an architecture could involve some or all of the following features:
      Additions to MAT to facilitate the communication of data and/or models to the shared repository;
      A community-maintained “ontology” for managing the semantic integration of data and models (e.g., standard names for referred to objects, concepts, and events)
      Version management of the shared repository to enable MAT users to ascertain the “lineage” and evolution of data and models (e.g., which models were proposed as refinements of other models). This challenge is not unlike that faced by distributed software developers managing a collective code base over time, and it is possible that a relatively thin product-specific user interface on top of a state-of-the-art source code version control system such as Git could initially provide this feature.
      Augmentation of MAT to provide the ability to represent and communicate arguments underlying proposed changes to collective models. This could be, initially, free text comments making the desired argument on MAT models and version changes, but eventually could incorporate one or more of a number of structured argument representations (e.g., argument maps).
[Global Citizens; Smart Metro; Food and Environment; and Relational Capital] of the CITIZEN SCIENCE APP as FOLLOWS: For each (on average)--
To build the app within 6 months from the date of funding of $250,000. 
SCHEDULE: Projected cost and time for four sequential periods defined by the engineering tasks: 1st - collect data and information, design and plan; 25k; ½ mo; 2nd – Draft Specification; 50k;1mo; 3rd – Build app; 100K; 3 mo; 4th – implement, test, modify as needed and release;75k; 1and1/2 mo.
Humanity is increasingly attentive to the widely understood dominance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in driving the foreseeable future of global technology development. For example, AI in BioMedPharma Apps is a top Investor target, a Multi-Billion $ Industry, and by adding the Human MicroBiome to these Apps it has been suggested to be a Trillion $ market.

The World Urban Population in 1980 had 1.731 billion people worldwide, i.e. 39%, living in cities. By 2015 this had increased to 3.968 billion (54%) and is projected to grow to 6.419 billion (66%) by 2050, (World Urbanization Trends - 2014). In response, Urban Planning has rapidly adopted AI in a growing effort to build “Smart Cities”.

[Smart City Defined: A smart city, although still nascent and heterogenous in definition, is broadly recognized as a concept in which information and communication technology integrate with an “Internet of Things” (IoT) to connect machine components across a community or urban landscape. “The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of physical things embedded with sensors, software, electronics and connectivity to allow it to perform better by exchanging information with other connected devices, the operator or the manufacturer.”

Smart City Growth: At present there are recognized over 100 smart cities globally with a projection of about 600 in the next 20 years.

The Opportunity: Strategic Opportunity Analysis of the Global Smart City Market is estimated to be worth $1.565 Trillion by 2020.]

From the Fourth Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Annual International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2018) in Kansas City, Missouri, USA during September 16 – 19, 2018- we have:
“As we continue to layer new technology on top of and within our cities and infrastructure, we are forced to confront the complex interplay between our technology systems and our service delivery systems that make our communities attractive and welcoming to the people who live there. We talk broadly about the health care system or the education system, and we acknowledge the regional nature of transportation systems, energy and water systems, and even food systems. As sensors, data, connectivity, networks, and analytics offer opportunities to improve each of these systems independently, the common elements of the technology infrastructure offer more opportunities for interoperability across systems and to reframe how we optimize and make decisions about these systems. Better transportation can help provide access to food and healthcare, for example, or smart lighting can address energy consumption and public safety. Yet the more we focus on the system, how do we maintain an appreciation of the people within the system as complex, unique individuals with disparate values rather than simply as nodes in a network? How do we balance the opportunity for shared efficiency with the heightened risks of linking things together? The technical and social challenges we encounter in this work are the foundation for the 4th International IEEE Smart Cities Conference” and the reason for our SmartR Technology applied to Smart Community/Village/City Development as follows:

TSI’s MultiCoRelational AutoGnomic (Self-Knowing) Mind-Technology [SmartR Technology -- an AutoGnome] with an instantiation as a MultiCoRelational Scientific Methodology [Inquiry, Inference, Intuition, and Enactment], has a natural instantiation as a CITIZEN SCIENCE with a Citizen Scientist as a personal AutoGnome.

One of the most significant remaining unmined potentials in the world is in the rich base of human, social, relational and intellectual capital to be found in strong and independent small enterprise systems which disperse economic power, localize economic decision-making, and protect the potential for voluntary cooperative organization. The need in order to effectively engage this resource is for new processes and technologies that improve personal and organizational effectiveness in “Knowledge Creation and Development” implemented through an organizational and management architecture respecting autonomy throughout its hierarchical and heterarchical levels. This can be accomplished by effecting collective-intelligence in a cognitive network for Relational [rational & heuristic] Collective Decision Making to support and extend Individual and Collective Innovation. The solution is an Intelligized Cognitive Network of AutoGnomes, a Global Virtual Innovation Network of Citizen Scientists.


World Weather Center Citizen Scientist Program and App
Over the past 30 years, there has been an increasing and high degree of public interest in weather. Research shows that weather has been and continues to be among the top public topics of interest. Local TV stations’ annual audience research demonstrates this to be true, even in quieter weather markets. Network and print research show a similar level of interest, which is why weather—often focusing on extreme weather events and their impacts—is typically included on national newscasts, placed high in the show, and is a staple of local newscasts. It is reasonable to expect that the fascination with weather is here to stay and may, in fact, increase as the impacts from climate change enhance the risk of many types of extreme weather. It is global, national, regional, and local in scope.

Both the average citizen and scientist from around the world seek understanding and in some cases answers to why and how this/a weather phenomenon happens. The World Weather Center (“WCC”) intends to offer our guests and App accounts the opportunity to become more familiar, through Collective Intelligence, with the causes of weather, experience the weather, learn why it changes, and in some cases, changes so quickly, and what our future may hold. 
The participant will enter this citizen science multilevel program and be guided to establish relationships around the world, while focusing on what is personally important to them concerning the weather. Whether it is research or finding information and a potential solution to an issue (i.e. health, pain, flooding, storms, and economics) caused by certain weather related conditions, this “MultiCoRelational” experience seeks knowledge, truth, and value to the participant. All of this information is intended to be experienced through a “MultiCoRelational” Cit-Sci_App  accessed through the WWC website,

The Challenge:The Value of Native Plants and Local Production in an Era of Global Agriculture”; Oren Shelef,1,* Peter J. Weisberg,2 and Frederick D. Provenza3
Front Plant Sci. 2017; 8: 2069.
Published online 2017 Dec 5

“Abstract-- For addressing potential food shortages, a fundamental tradeoff exists between investing more resources to increasing productivity of existing crops, as opposed to increasing crop diversity by incorporating more species. We explore ways to use local plants as food resources and the potential to promote food diversity and agricultural resilience. We discuss how use of local plants and the practice of local agriculture can contribute to ongoing adaptability in times of global change. Most food crops are now produced, transported, and consumed long distances from their homelands of origin. At the same time, research and practices are directed primarily at improving the productivity of a small number of existing crops that form the cornerstone of a global food economy, rather than to increasing crop diversity. The result is a loss of agro-biodiversity, leading to a food industry that is more susceptible to abiotic and biotic stressors, and more at risk of catastrophic losses. Humans cultivate only about 150 of an estimated 30,000 edible plant species worldwide, with only 30 plant species comprising the vast majority of our diets. To some extent, these practices explain the food disparity among human populations, where nearly 1 billion people suffer insufficient nutrition and 2 billion people are obese or overweight. Commercial uses of new crops and wild plants of local origin have the potential to diversify global food production and better enable local adaptation to the diverse environments humans inhabit. We discuss the advantages, obstacles, and risks of using local plants. We also describe a case study—the missed opportunity to produce pine nuts commercially in the Western United States. We discuss the potential consequences of using local pine nuts rather than importing them overseas. Finally, we provide a list of edible native plants, and synthesize the state of research concerning the potential and challenges in using them for food production. The goal of our synthesis is to support more local food production using native plants in an ecologically sustainable manner.”

Capital Formation Institute (CFI)
Impact Capital
CFI’s mission has been to become the premier international research and educational entity in the fields of early stage capital financing of enterprise creation and growth in helping leaders build more competitive local economies. This Capital Formation effort to date, however, has had minimal direct focus on Human Knowledge Capital, indeed with no explicit attention to the emerging focus on Impact Capital development, i.e. balancing Financial with Human and Social Capital applications.

TSI’s partner, First Peoples Capital (FPC) has sublicensed its SmartR Technology to CFI in order to augment CFI’s capital financing services to include Impact Capital with a target being on Relational Impact Innovation for Improving Human Performance in the furtherance of Social Democratization and Pacification in the Creation of Sustainable Futures Available For All Of Humanity.
We are searching to identify a physical locus for a CENTER OF MIND RESEARCH
as the hub of a group Minds acting in-and-as a Global Virtual Innovation Network, a Collective Mind Creating Mind

The presence of a Global Collective Consciousness with Conscience (Truth with Relevance and Goodness for all Humanity) in a society is the essential foundation for creating and growing a democracy. The American experiment with such is increasingly seriously threatened at its foundation.

The Human mind, hence humankind, is on the doorstep of a co-created evolutionary extension of itself via a distinct new race of integrated human-machine systems (CyberGnomesTM) which will in time emerge as an embryonic form of an Autonomous Synthetic Mind (SynMind), the AutoGnome.

At the human bio-level the human genome project revolutionized creative genetics [at a of cost of $3.8 billion over 13 years; with an estimated value created over 20 years at $800 billion].

At the human neurological-brain level the proposed human cognome project intends the complete mapping of the brain-sensor-effector system [estimated cost and benefits not yet agreed upon, but likely comparable to the genome project].

At the human mind level the AutoGnomicsTM Project intends to experientially map the MultiCoRelational Whole Field Semiotic organization of the human mind, on this foundation to formulate a standard theory of mind, and to technologically synthesize and applicationally engineer its implementation (the AutoGnomeTM), all via an open participation social network of collective intelligent communities of inquiry, innovation and implementation [the current citizen science effort to map the human microbiome is analogous], focused on developing and commercializing incremental components of this SynMind. [estimated cost at $750 thousand to initiate, $750 million to develop over 7 years, and $750 billion of created value over 14 years from initiation to adequate realization]. Note: The $750 million would include the building of a computer with an AutoGnomic Operating system.
AUTOGNOMICS (AG) DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS TO DATE: Over the past five decades, dating to the late 1950’s, an emerging trio of groups of geographically and functionally independent researchers coalesced as a distributed AG-founders team from 1979 to 1989 to focus on the completion of the formulation of the Specification for the AutoGnome (Autognomic Design Specification) which led to the inception and formation of the AutoGnomics Group of Companies (AGC) beginning in 1994. On this foundation, the bulk of the effort since has been on the interpretation of this specification in small modules of software code, bit MindClones, building toward a mature AutoGnome, a Virtual Mind (in a Virtual Community).
Since the initial founding of the AGC in 1994, through 2010, AG technology has realized investments (partly directly and partly indirectly through key affiliates) of approximately $15 million applied to its development efforts.
This project has produced what arguably remains as the only publicly known, globally existent, experientially-grounded, MultiCoRelational Whole Field Semiotically formulated, standard theory of mind with a detailed conceptual specification for building a synthetic mind. At a baseline value of $41 million in 1999 and conservatively assessing the value-added during the intervening decade and a half since, the current estimated value is of the order of $50 million.

THOUGHTSIGNS, INC. (TSI) As of 2011, TSI has absorbed the AGC development entities’ functions and serves as the AG developer and holder of the intellectual property.
Since all that is known by humans is known by Mind, our approach to Re-Minding Humanity is that it will eventually emerge as a REFORMATION of GLOBAL HUMAN CULTURE evolving from our AutoGnomic Global Collective Consciousness with Conscience (Truth with Relevence & Goodness for all Humanity). For BigThinking to go beyond concepts demands big money—as a WAG estimate we are rounding the previously referenced $750 million for the AG Project to $1 Billion. as a mega-round in Silicon Valley, large-scale fund raising is producing a frenzy around tech companies with enough reach and momentum to absorb a large check.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


The presence of a Global Collective Consciousness with Conscience (Truth with Relevance & Goodness for all Humanity) in a society is the essential foundation for creating and growing a democracy. The American experiment with such is increasingly seriously threatened at its foundation.

The Human mind, hence humankind, is on the doorstep of a co-created evolutionary extension of itself via a distinct new race of integrated human-machine systems (CyberGnomes) which will in time emerge as an embryonic form of an Autonomous Synthetic Mind (SynMind), the AutoGnome.

 At the human bio-level the human genome project revolutionized creative genetics [at a of cost of $3.8 billion over 13 years; with an estimated value created over 20 years at $800 billion].

At the human neurological-brain level the proposed human cognome project intends the complete mapping of the brain-sensor-effector system [estimated cost and benefits not yet agreed upon, but likely comparable to the genome project]

At the human mind level the AutoGnomics Project intends to experientially map the MultiCoRelational Whole Field Semiotic organization of the human mind, on this foundation to formulate a standard theory of mind, and to technologically synthesize and applicationally engineer its implementation (the AutoGnome), all via an open participation social network of collective intelligent communities of inquiry, innovation and implementation [the current citizen science effort to map the human microbiome is analogous], focused on developing and commercializing incremental components of this SynMind. [estimated cost at $750 thousand to initiate, $750 million to develop over 7 years, and $750 billion of created value over 14 years from initiation to adequate realization]. Note: The $750 million would include the building of a computer with an AutoGnomic Operating system.

Over the past five decades, dating to the late 1950’s, an emerging trio of groups of geographically and functionally independent researchers coalesced as a distributed AG-founders team from 1979 to 1989 to focus on the completion of the formulation of the Specification for the AutoGnome (Autognomic Design Specification) which led to the inception and formation of the AutoGnomics Group of Companies (AGC) beginning in 1994. On this foundation, the bulk of the effort since has been on the interpretation of this specification in small modules of software code, bit MindClones, building toward a mature AutoGnome, a Virtual Mind (in a Virtual Community).Since the initial founding of the AGC in 1994, through 2010, AG technology has realized investments (partly directly and partly indirectly through key affiliates) of approximately $15 million applied to its development efforts.

This project has produced what arguably remains as the only publicly known, globally existent, experientially-grounded, MultiCoRelational Whole Field Semiotically formulated, standard theory of mind with a detailed conceptual specification for building a synthetic mind. At a baseline value of $41 million in 1999 and conservatively assessing the value-added during the intervening decade and a half since, the current estimated value is of the order of $50 million.

As of 2011, TSI has absorbed the AGC development entities’ functions and serves as the AG developer and holder of the intellectual property. TSI’s founders [Fred Reed and myself-Jon Ray Hamann] are now poised to address the 7 Syns
beginning with the creation of a virtual ChaotiCosmos as Whole and, via a partitioning of the Whole, sub-creating a unit (atom) of relational life (Bion) on which to build the biological cell and explicate the derivative origin of consciousness – MIND creating MIND!

Since all that is known by humans is known by Mind, our approach to Re-Minding Humanity is that it will eventually emerge as a REFORMATION of GLOBAL HUMAN CULTURE evolving from our AutoGnomic Global Collective Consciousness with Conscience (Truth with Relevence & Goodness for all Humanity). For BigThinking to go beyond concepts demands big money—as a WAG estimate we are rounding the previously referenced $750 million for the AG Project to $1 Billion.

Known as a mega-round in Silicon Valley, large-scale fund raising is producing a frenzy around tech companies with enough reach and momentum to absorb a large check.     

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


The presence of a Global Collective Consciousness with Conscience (Truth with Relevence & Goodness for all Humanity) in a society is the essential foundation for creating and growing a democracy. The American experiment with such is increasingly seriously threatened at its foundation as has been observed in warnings for decades, for example:

Revitalize Democracy series
Co-Intelligence and the Holistic Politics
of Community Self-Organization

Copyright © 1999 by Tom Atlee
Written for the Permaculture Activist Oct 1999
To our normal awareness a uranium rock is just a rock. But arrange its parts in a particular way, with the right processes, and it can blow up a city.
To our normal awareness a room filled with people is just a crowd. But arrange those people in the right way, with the right processes, and they can generate wisdom.
The experiment with human consciousness has reached a crisis: Will we design cultures that generate wisdom before our awesome physical powers destroy the laboratory, our world?
I invite you to consider "co-intelligence" as an antidote to blind human power, and a vital next step in our evolution.

THOUGHTSIGNS, INC. (TSI) [also dba “ThoughtSigns Enterprise Systems” (TES)], is the asset owner/holder and managing developer of the AUTOGNOMICS (AG)-SMARTR TECHNOLOGY, a class of Synthetic Intelligence technology derived from a MultiCoRelational Semiotic-based formally-grounded standard theory of mind. [The AutoGnome (a Virtual Mind Clone) is a self(auto)-knowing (gnome) purposeful software system capable of autonomous inquiry, inference and intuition in decision-making.] “Project AutoGnome” aspires to vrtual minds (AutoGnomes) in virtual communities, i.e. Collective AutoGnomes. The radical, unique and novel feature of this Collective Intelligence/Collective Mind is that both the individual (personal) AutoGnome in the collective as well as the CollectiveGnome itself are intelligent AutoGnomes (Synthetic Minds).

TSI’S efforts are divided into three tracks: Conceptual, Research, and Commercial all currently directed at implementing TSI’s ThoughtEnactment (TEA) Technology development as a People’s Global Virtual Collective Mind, thus leading to the first true Synthetic Intelligence instantiation of a SmartR CITIZENS’ SCIENCE applied to SmartR Decision-Making in Choosing Acts, for example, for Organizing SmartR Smart City Development.

Specifically, TSI is the Developer of the instantiation of the (AG)-SMARTR TECHNOLOGY as a MultiCoRelational Scientific Methodology [Inquiry, Inference and Intuition], exemplified as a CITIZENS’ SCIENCE with a Citizen Scientist as a personal AutoGnome. The need in order to effectively engage this resource is for new processes and technologies that improve personal and organizational effectiveness in “Knowledge Creation and Development” implemented through an organizational and management architecture respecting autonomy throughout its hierarchical and heterarchical levels. This can be accomplished by effecting collective-intelligence in a cognitive network for Relational [rational & heuristic] Collective Decision Making to support and extend Individual and Collective Innovation. The solution is an Intelligized Cognitive Network of AutoGnomes, a Virtual Innovation Network.

Since all that is known by Humans is known by “MIND”,
all queries will ultimately be referred back to
the foundation query of KNOWING MIND
 TSI’s initial mission is to focus on the Democratization (Sovereign Persons, Individually and Collectively, with Open Participation “Benefit Corporation” Governance) of Access to Knowledge and Capital, both individually and collectively, through this Collective Intelligence. The Technology is to be applied generally in Human Intelligent Community Enterprise Development with an initial concentration on Research, Education, Sustainable Futures and Community and Economic Development through Entrepreneurial Innovation Technology Development & Business Applications. As a consequence, AutoGnomics Collective Intelligence solutions for specific chosen projects in a Global Virtual Innovation Network (VIN) will gradually lead to the Birthing of a Global Network of the MultiCoRelational, MultiLingual, and MultiCultural Intelligent Communities, i.e. the communities of the Future— Including Indigenous, Rural and Metro/Urban populations and cultures. 
 Humanity is increasingly attentive to the widely understood dominance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in driving the foreseeable future of global technology development. For example, AI in BioMedPharma Apps is a top Investor target, a Multi-Billion $ Industry, and by adding the Human MicroBiome to these Apps it has been suggested to be a Trillion $ market.
The World Urban Population in 1980 had 1.731 billion people worldwide, i.e. 39%, living in cities. By 2015 this had increased to 3.968 billion (54%) and is projected to grow to 6.419 billion (66%) by 2050, (World Urbanization Trends - 2014). In response, Urban Planning has rapidly adopted AI in a growing effort to build “Smart Cities”.

[Smart City Defined: A smart city, although still nascent and heterogenous in definition, is broadly recognized as a concept in which information and communication technology integrate with an “Internet of Things” (IoT) to connect machine components across a community or urban landscape. “The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of physical things embedded with sensors, software, electronics and connectivity to allow it to perform better by exchanging information with other connected devices, the operator or the manufacturer.”

Smart City Growth: At present there are recognized over 100 smart cities globally with a projection of about 600 in the next 20 years.

The Opportunity: Strategic Opportunity Analysis of the Global Smart City Market is estimated to be worth $1.565 Trillion by 2020.]

From the Fourth Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Annual International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2018) in Kansas City, Missouri, USA during September 16 – 19, 2018- we have:
“As we continue to layer new technology on top of and within our cities and infrastructure, we are forced to confront the complex interplay between our technology systems and our service delivery systems that make our communities attractive and welcoming to the people who live there. We talk broadly about the health care system or the education system, and we acknowledge the regional nature of transportation systems, energy and water systems, and even food systems. As sensors, data, connectivity, networks, and analytics offer opportunities to improve each of these systems independently, the common elements of the technology infrastructure offer more opportunities for interoperability across systems and to reframe how we optimize and make decisions about these systems. Better transportation can help provide access to food and healthcare, for example, or smart lighting can address energy consumption and public safety. Yet the more we focus on the system, how do we maintain an appreciation of the people within the system as complex, unique individuals with disparate values rather than simply as nodes in a network? How do we balance the opportunity for shared efficiency with the heightened risks of linking things together? The technical and social challenges we encounter in this work are the foundation for the 4th International IEEE Smart Cities Conference”  and the reason for our SMARTR Technology applied to Smart Community/Village/City Development.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


[“We cannot imprison the mind in the brain. The mind is in every cell of our body and also extends into the whole universe”.  Deepack Chopra – “The Sun”, April 2013, pg. 48]

It is finally being acknowledged by the advanced edge of inquiry in the established academic/research community that life at the level of the individual cell (e.g. the single cell bacterium) exhibits “anticipatory behavior”, a necessary property in defining “mind”.

More generally, however, the key characterization of “mind” is that it is a semiotic (sign-based, e.g. natural language, mathematics, etc.) system.

Semiosis : joining of  minds of varying levels and types (including living but non-human, human, and    synthetic (virtual) minds, e.g. as machines/computers)
AutoGnome: syn-mind of generalized mindfulness capability
CyberGnome: a communal (collective, collaborative) mind joining human and syn-minds
MyGnome: functional relation between human and syn-mind exhibiting a high degree of human familiarity and cooperation
Notably, all of the foregoing account for each of the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic (valuational) functions of mind.

The AutoGnome (AG) is a class of technology that implements a semiotic model of mind that is both revolutionary and viable. Unlike conventional Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is often grounded in complex engineering solutions to narrowly-defined applications, or conversely, in approximate modeling of human psychology, neural-physiology, or brain science (like the recently Obama-announced Brain-Mapping Project), the AutoGnome is a mathematically-grounded theory of mind that accounts for degrees of genuine, but non-anthropomorphically defined, mindfulness. Project AutoGnome development aspires to virtual minds that are fully generalized—capable of adapting to any environment—and autonomous—with an emergent self not dependent on external input or control. Hence, the AutoGnome includes, but is not limited to or by, AI.

Mindful systems that share a common ground of experience (e.g., visual, sound) can learn to influence each other though production of signs that each system interprets similarly – that is, produces a similar thoughtsign in each mind. Through this communication, minds can not only share knowledge, but also cooperate in semiosis – effectively acting as a communal mind.

When the ground of experience is itself virtual – i.e. a representation – and the minds within a community generally interact through mediating technology, then the dynamic system may be called a Virtual Community of Virtual Minds. When engaged in inquiry or innovation, it becomes a Virtual Community of Inquiry or Innovation. [Note: Generalized Innovation includes – ideation, incubation, entrepreneurial introduction and investment]

Notice that the minds so engaged may include an organic (e.g., persons) along with the virtual or technological (e.g. AutoGnomes) mind. However, since the syn-mind here implicated derives from the underlying theory of the AutoGnomic mind which does not depend on a human brain-based theory, these Virtual Communities of Virtual Innovation, in contrast with AI brain models, provide a unique and novel generalized form for Virtual Collective Innovation in Business or other Applications Development,

An AutoGnomic Virtual Generalized Collective Innovation Platform
On April 5, 2012 the Crowdfund Act of 2012 was approved. This groundbreaking legislation enables start-ups and existing businesses an opportunity to raise funds for their companies directly from the public who can invest small amounts of money in return for shares in the company. Americans will be allowed to invest in ways that have historically been reserved only for the wealthy. Together, America's entrepreneurs and investors will launch the next great ideas of our time.


There is already an ever-increasing abundance of crowdfunding websites with growing functional sophistication. For instance, Crowdit’s new approach to crowdfunding with its “virtual incubator” including peer-review feedback, mentoring and business networking, is somewhat like our Virtual Community of Innovation, which includes Virtual Incubation.

Although AI is promenant in crowdfunding to date, we expect our sustaining differentiation will be via our Virtual Collective Innovation approach to a new and better platform focused on two key elements that remain underdeveloped in current platforms:
·       the cooperation in thought and action that elevates a crowd to a community; our more sophisticated virtual community enterprise would leverage all that its members can bring in terms of equity, relationships, knowledge, experience, creative capacity, and so on,
  • the inclusion of value that elevates knowledge to wisdom.
In other words, in an effective community, the members will share understanding of both what ought to be desiredvalued ends—and how it ought to be attained—the valued means to those ends. With this shared understanding, members of the community can act wisely both autonomously and collectively.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


The last half of the 20th century evidenced a growing unrest with our present conceptualizations of experience in socio-economic-political organization. The emerging paradigm is one in which the universe in all of its parts is viewed as a super hologram. The unifying feature is the concept of The Whole as a relational form which presences in each and every part. Not surprisingly, one of the most significant remaining unmined potentials is in the rich base of human, social, relational and intellectual capital to be found in strong and independent small enterprise systems which disperse economic power, localize economic decision-making, and protect the potential for voluntary cooperative organization. The need in order to effectively engage this resource is for new processes and technologies for improving personal and organizational effectiveness in “Knowledge Development” implemented through an organizational and management architecture respecting autonomy throughout its hierarchical and heterarchical levels by effecting co-intelligence in a cognitive network for Rational Collective Decision Making to support and extend Individual Innovation. The solution is an Intelligized Cognitive Network of AutoGnomes, i.e. a CogWeb.

[This section is edited by condensation from “Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything”, by Don apscott and Anthony D. Williams, Published by Portfolio, 2006]
Throughout history corporations have organized themselves according to strict hierarchical lines of authority with someone or some company in control. While hierarchies are not vanishing, profound changes in the nature of technology, demographics, and the global economy are giving rise to powerful new models based on community, collaboration, and self-organization rather than on hierarchy and control.
Millions now add their voices to a “blogosphere” driving employee performance by collaborating with peers across organizational boundaries, creating a “wiki workplace.” Customers become “prosumers” by cocreating goods and services rather than simply consuming the end product. Smart companies are encouraging the heaving growth of massive online communities—many of which emerged from the fringes of the Web to attract tens of millions of participants overnight such as Second Life and the Human Genome Project. Indeed, as a growing number of firms see the benefits of mass collaboration, this new of way organizing will eventually displace the traditional corporate structures as the economy’s primary engine of wealth creation. Already this new economic model extends to virtually every part of the global economy.

The conclusion from all of this is striking and enormously positive. Billions of connected individuals can now actively participate in innovation, wealth creation, and social development in ways we once only dreamed of. And when these masses of people collaborate they collectively can advance the arts, culture, science, education, government, and the economy in surprising but ultimately profitable ways. Companies that engage with these exploding Web-enabled communities are already discovering the true dividends of collective capability and genius. To succeed, it will not be sufficient to simply intensify existing management strategies. Leaders must think differently about how to compete and be profitable, and embrace a new art and science of collaboration called Wikinomics. This is more than open source, social networking, so called crowd sourcing, smart mobs, crowd wisdom, or other ideas that touch upon the subject. Rather, we are talking about deep changes in the structure and modus operandi of the corporation and our economy, based on new competitive principles such as openness, peering, sharing, and acting globally.

·      In the process of material/energetic evolution, the origin of sign (=image) is posited to be a necessary and (possibly) sufficient condition for the evolutionary origin of life.
·         The greatest innovation in the history of human life experience, i.e. language (a sign system), provided the foundation on which all future progress of human culture/society would be built.
·         The communication of experience, this being the crux of societal systems, rests in-and-on language or, more generally signs (for Systems or Relations) which are acknowledged to be the essence of mind (recognizing the “carrier” role of the brain).
·         The problem of understanding mind is assumed to be first (since understanding per se is a function of mind, it follows that the very process of understanding itself can be enhanced by first understanding mind, particularly in its synthetic extension, the AutoGnomeTM) among three of the great cosmic mysteries—the “origin”, nature and evolution of the Universe, the “origin”, nature and evolution of Life and the “origin”, nature and evolution of Mind.
·         Not only is what we can think constrained by the languages (signs) we use, language use itself requires a different logic for inquiry vs. inference vs. intuition. This consideration is inherent to the applied multicorelational premise regarding synthetic mind.
·         We are in the midst of sweeping global economic and social transformations (the blogosphere and wiki workplace) where creativity has replaced physical labor and large-scale bureaucracy as the key source of community and economic growth. We face an information-based, chaotically changing environment in which success depends on the superiority of continually accelerated Wikinomic Innovation.
·         Synthetic (Virtual) Intelligence/Mind is also the essence of virtuality (an autonomous semiotic universe (the cyberverse) in which information (signification) is transferable (communicatable) only among virtual minds); thus Virtuality is Related to (Human) Reality through the Virtual Reality of the Web.
·         It is rapidly becoming evident to key decision makers that this demand for accelerating wikinomic innovation is only possible through evolving Synthetic Intelligence (SI) which has the potential to impact every aspect of human life. The problem/dilemma for SI developers is that there is no standard, workable theory of mind.
·         It is the provision of this latter (the standard) that is the intent of our current development of the AutoGnome as Synthetic Intelligence/Mind and it is believed that we are at a critical time during which  three or so industry leaders will emerge as forging the standard for this Virtual Universe populated by Virtual  Minds.
Semiotic Relational Systems
A Semiotic Relational System is a system of relations exhaustively admitting all forms of interrelatedness among systems and/or relations and with certain systems or relations (called signs) taking the place of (i.e. imaging (signifying)) other systems or relations to a specific mind.
The AutoGnome is a self-knowing general purpose software system of automated (autonomous) inquiry, inference and intuition exploiting a mechanized carrier system for relational semiosis as a virtual (synthetic) mind.
The Intellisite (an Intelligent WebSite) is a constructed software environment (a Website) with an embedded form of the AutoGnome known as a WebGnomeTM, an intelligent agent residing in this cyberspace environment which, with its continuous adaptive learning from mimicking the user’s behavior, will grow into a likeminded replica (MindCloneTM) of a user-self acting in the Virtual Reality of the Internet with the synthetic mind capabilities of the AutoGnome.
The CoGnome is a selected WebGnome which, inter-connecting two or more Intellisites in a Network of Intellisites, provides a computerized collective intelligence, an automated co-intelligence, i.e. the Collective-AutoGnome (Auto(Co)Gnome) or simply the CoGnome.
The CogWeb is the Network of Intellisites implemening the CoGnome for Network Decision-Making by autonomously formed Intellisite-defined groups, organizations, communities and societies, i.e. a WIKIGNOME.