Monday, September 2, 2019


With a Central Focus on Building a
within a
Research & Development Institute now
n being reformed based on both conceptual inspiration from the following
The Human Dimensions Institute (HDI)
Jeanne Pontius Rindge with her husband, Fred H. Rindge.
I was contracted by them to serve as Executive Director
beginning in the late 70’s into the early 80’s
The Human Dimensions Institute (HDI) was a New Age educational organization formed in Buffalo, NY, that in the 1970s pioneered research on the “whole” person— physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The institute operated through scientific research, publications, lectures, seminars, experience groups, and continuing education courses at Rosary Hill, Buffalo, and surrounding colleges and institutions. Seminars were held at Swen-i-o, the new HDI Retreat Center at Canandaigua, NY. International authorities discussed such areas as parapsychology, consciousness expansion, nutrition, unorthodox healing, Wholistic philosophy, and spiritual experience. The institute published the Human Dimensions Magazine, a quarterly publication of articles and professional papers on new frontiers of human experience.  I co-edited with Jeanne the last issue – Volume 6, on the “The Holographic Reality”.“The Human Dimensions Institute West”, Research center and forum concerned with scientific and metaphysical disciplines morphed into The Ojai Foundation. Advisors included Stanley Krippner, Charles Muses, Elizabeth Rauscher, and David Spangler.

The Ojai Foundation

The Ojai Foundation, beginning in 1975 as Human Dimensions Institute/West, is a nonprofit organization exploring the interface between science and spirituality situated in the Upper Ojai Valley. For over 40 years, our land and programs have been a beacon for youth and adults seeking ways to deepen relationship with self, each other, and the Earth. Council, the practice of listening and speaking from the heart, is our foundational offering and core to all we do. On December 5, 2017, the Thomas Fire raged through The Ojai Foundation land taking over 24 structures, including our staff residence, two program kitchens and all of our overnight hermitages. The land sanctuary is currently closed for an undetermined period to attend to recovery and renewal

and from the Technological Development and Applications Deployment of its Conceptualizations based on partnerships with the following:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ThoughtSigns, Inc.
“SmartR ThoughtEnActment Technology”
created and managed by Fred Reed and Jon Ray Hamann

One of the most profound recognitions of Mind in modern times is that the Universe no longer can be categorized only through objects/things, but rather must be seen as fundamentally relational. If the manifest Universe is relational, then it behooves us to understand how relations relate! Hence the conception of MultiCoRelational (MCR) Philosophy. “A New Transforming Symbol System?” by Jon Ray Hamann and Jeanne Pontius Rindge (1978), HUMAN DIMENSIONS, Volume 6, Number 2, pg. 3

MIND is a MCR Semiotic (Sign) System recognized as an entity (organism or machine) minimally exhibiting self-awareness and intentional behavior. “Thinking is a process of relating relations.

TSI is the evolved entity continuing a mission begun in the late 1950’s with a long-term periodically adjusted goal to develop a Standard MCR Semiotic Theory of Mind and to create a Synthetic Mind [later named the “AutoGnome” (AG) (meaning Self-Knowing)], itself with an instantiation as a MCR Virtual Science Lab (ultimately staffed by Virtual Scientists). TSI represents over 50 years and over $25 million of investments raised and expended [yielding only about 2% completion of the build-out of the proprietary USPO formatted 585 page AutoGnomics Design Specification]. Via a 3-year development effort on aspects of the AG with a Forbes I00’s company equity buy-in, by 2000 the AG had a recorded value of $50 million. TSI has an evolving Business Plan to implement with an appropriate partner showing a projected NOI of $50 million in 30 months with a seed investment of $2.5 million.

It is widely understood that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving the foreseeable future of technology development and has been suggested to be an imminent Trillion $$ market when focused on BioMedPharma including the Human MicroBiome. AI is essentially a programmed brain model (stacked artificial neural nets) with highly successful human guided data search applications – e.g., Ask Google. But as an Autonomous Intelligence it fails in not having an innate logic of inquiry– i.e., automatically forming in context the search questions, nor can it express meaning or address its TRUTH with RELEVANCE and VALUE (ethical or aesthetic) multiplier for Humanity as a Whole.

It is increasingly apparent that we need a reformed Science reflecting the actual relational semiotic behavior of a Mind including attention to context, content, and intent/valueàpurpose/motivation. Supporting evidence for this need is DARPA’s new focus on advancing AI towards a NxT Generation Social Science emphasis, i.e. DARPA’S Lifelong Learning Machine (L2M), a bio-based revision of AI; Physics also is looking for an understanding of the role of the Observer in Science.

The solution is the Science of-and-as MCR AutoGnomics.  It is important to emphasize the distinction between AG and AI pragmatically with respect to its explicit human and social value. The dominant realization of machine intelligence as AI treats the Observer as external to the relation between the Sign and the Object (or Experience) it signifies. In contrast, AG theory realizes that the Observer-Sign-Object triad must be treated as a conceptual unit, much like the Observer--as--participant in the quantum theory of physical systems.

Recognizing this triad as a tri-relational (i.e. a specific MCR) form where the sign signifies an experience to a particular observer, we also have the following: A sign of truth to a given observer signifies a realization of the degree of consistency between an expectation and the actual in that observer’s experience. The sign of relevance of the experience to that observer is a measure of the degree to which it does or can effect positive personal change. And finally, the sign of value (goodness and beauty) of the experience to that observer is a measure of the positive value of that change personally, but also concomitantly to the collective whole. The Relational AutoGnome is designed to maximize these latter signs in operation thus bringing this form of AG enhancement of human performance to an intentional all-win opportunity for society

The AutoGnome at the cognitive level of software engineering is essentially a Knowledge Developer. Knowledge is that attribute of Mind focused (albeit not exclusively) on Mind’s cognitive/semantic (meaning) functionality. Knowledge grows from Intelligence (the syntactic form) which is born of Data/Information and matures as Wisdom (Knowledge focused through Value in the choice of Acts).

TSI/TES, using real-world data starting from the AI software of Charles River Analytics Inc. (CRA) via a generalized application of the collaborative “Partnering Agreement” between CRA & TES, i.e. CRATES, is gradually building a MCR-AG Technology (ThoughtEnActment) beginning by using the CRA software Model Analyst's Toolkit (MAT) to build, analyze, validate and apply scientific theories and models with the  incorporation of   crowd-sourced information collected via the program CRISIS,  and all applied  as evidence in Thinking, Evaluating, and Decision Making for choice of Act via the program CREATE.

Recognizing that humanity’s future on earth is near or has reached a tipping point where survival itself, leave alone thriving, will depend on effective (True, Relevant & Valued by all humanity) “collective knowledge” inclusive of specific attention to the “Mind of Nature”.

This is where the “Science of-and-as AutoGnomics” {Liber Science (AG-Sci)} is unique, novel and critically essential. As opposed to AI’s treatment of collective intelligence as a statistical representation of a random crowd of individuals, in AG-Sci a group/collective of individuals has a Collective Intelligence [itself presencing as an Identifiable Mind (i.e. a Collective Mind)].

Hence, TSI is focused on effecting an AutoGnomics (AG) Collective Intelligence platform for specific chosen projects in a GLOBAL INQUIRY AND VIRTUAL INNOVATION [Ideation; Incubation; Implementation; Investment] NETWORK (VIN) birthing or enabling a GLOBAL NETWORK OF THE INTELLIGENT COMMUNITIES OF THE FUTURE— including INDIGENOUS, RURAL and METRO/URBAN CULTURES.
 We are searching to identify a physical locus for a CENTER OF MIND RESEARCH INSTITUTE as the hub of a group Minds acting in-and-as a Global Virtual Innovation Network (VIN), a Collective Mind Creating Mind, e.g. to address humanity’s most threatening problem, i.e. Planet Earth’s Climate Change.
World Weather Center 
Citizen Scientist Program and App

Over the past 30 years, there has been an increasing and high degree of public interest in weather. Research shows that weather has been and continues to be among the top public topics of interest. Local TV stations’ annual audience research demonstrates this to be true, even in quieter weather markets. Network and print research show a similar level of interest, which is why weather—often focusing on extreme weather events and their impacts—is typically included on national newscasts, placed high in the show, and is a staple of local newscasts. It is reasonable to expect that the fascination with weather is here to stay and may, in fact, increase as the impacts from climate change enhance the risk of many types of extreme weather. It is global, national, regional, and local in scope.
World Weather Center (“WWC”) Concept. WWC is a proposed destination visitor attraction in Niagara Falls serving regional residents and tourists. WWC will offer multi-sensory weather-related exhibits and experiences that will have broad appeal to children, families, and adults due to the mass appeal, awareness, and popularity of weather reporting, extreme weather events, and climate science. A signature building and experience design and state-of-the art exhibits and programs will provide visitors with both visceral experiences related to extreme weather as well as in-depth opportunities to learn about weather, life and public safety, and climate from their formation and causes, to the many variations depending on location, season, topography, etc. Climate science and more recently the impacts of human activities will be interpreted. Advances in weather modeling and forecasting and strategies to live well with weather will be the basis of many interactive experiences.
WWC intends to engage, educate, and excite visitors of all ages about weather’s impact on everyday life as well as the importance to the future of planet Earth. Through interactive, entertaining exhibits, awe-inspiring programs, and unforgettable weather-related experiences, WWC will remind visitors of the power, wonder, and science of weather.
Both the average citizen and scientist from around the world seek understanding and in some cases answers to why and how this/a weather phenomenon happens. The WCC intends to offer our guests and APP accounts (individual members) the opportunity to become more familiar, through Collective Intelligence, with the variety of questions and concerns of all facets of weather related issues. 
The participant will enter this citizen science multilevel APP program and be guided to establish relationships around the world, while focusing on what is personally important to them concerning the weather. Whether it is research or finding information and a potential solution to an issue (i.e. health, pain, flooding, storms, and economics) caused by certain weather related conditions, this “MultiCoRelational” experience seeks knowledge, truth, and value to the participant. All of this information is intended to be experienced through a “MultiCoRelational” App accessed through the WWC website,
The WWC Technology Partner


TSI is the asset owner/holder and managing developer of the AUTOGNOMICS™ (AG)-SMARTR TECHNOLOGY, (the Technology) a class of Synthetic Intelligence (SI) technology derived from a MultiCoRelational (MCR) Semiotic-based formally-grounded standard theory of mind, The AutoGnome™ (a Virtual Mind Clone in development) is a self(auto)-knowing (gnome) purposeful software system capable of autonomous inquiry, inference and intuition in decision-making.] “Project AutoGnome™” aspires to virtual minds (AutoGnomes) in virtual communities, i.e. Collective AutoGnomes. The radical, unique and novel feature of this Collective Intelligence (CI) is that both the individual (personal) AutoGnome in the collective as well as the CollectiveGnome itself are intelligent AutoGnomes (Synthetic Minds).
The concept and potential realization of Collective Intelligence (CI) [Collective Mind] attracts interest from many sources:
- politicians and community activists looking to collaboratively solve challenging problems;
- scientists looking to accelerate the pace of discovery and dissemination of knowledge;
- military commanders looking to leverage distributed expertise in a more agile force;
- analysts looking to include more diverse knowledge and perspectives in conclusions;
- business leaders looking to lead more agile and competitive enterprises.

While the fundamental processes of science, knowledge creation, dialogue, and argumentation have been investigated for 1000s of years, only recently have relevant technologies been available for facilitating and augmenting CI on a large scale.

Three technologies in particular—social networking, the web, and machine learning-- are the foundation for a number of ongoing research programs and products aimed at various elements of achieving CI. The near-universal familiarity and ubiquity of social networking technology provides the means for computer-mediated communication grounding CI. The web provides the “common space” in which “Weather” artifacts of CI can be created, stored and manipulated. And, contemporary machine learning affords the opportunity to augment human intelligence in substantial and valuable ways.

However, there is no known successful example of a comprehensive technology supporting CI at scale. This fact is largely explained by shortcomings in theoretical understanding of communal intelligence that make difficult envisioning how such relevant technologies ought to be integrated into a successful whole.

TSI’s key Partner, Charles River Analytics (CRA),, a long-time developer of Artificial Intelligent (AI) software systems, is a leading research organization with decades of government-sponsored research in these various elements of CI. In order for TSI to make best use of resources, get a product to market as quickly as possible, and manage risk, the development of new CI technology through a CRA-TES (CRATES) partnership is obviously the preferred strategy. Beginning incrementally from the most mature technologies at hand—primarily those at CRA resulting from years of government research—these would be integrated as components of an architecture grounded in AutoGnome™ theory resulting in a CI system of unique capabilities. With further supporting technology development and operational experience, this system would be extended and refined indefinitely.

TSI’s global social mission is to focus on the Democratization (Sovereign Persons, Individually and Collectively, with Open Participation “Benefit Corporation” Governance) of Access to Knowledge and Capital, both individually and collectively, through this Collective Intelligence. The Technology is to be applied generally in Human Intelligent Community Organization and Enterprise Development with an initial concentration on Research, Education, Sustainable Futures and Community and Economic Development through Entrepreneurial Innovation Technology Development & Business Applications. As a consequence, AutoGnomics Collective Intelligence solutions for specific chosen projects in a Global Virtual Innovation Network (VIN) will gradually lead to the Birthing of a Global Network of the MultiCoRelational, MultiLingual, and MultiCultural Intelligent Communities, i.e. the communities of the Future— Including Indigenous, Rural and Metro/Urban populations and cultures.

The following is the graded sequence of AG-SMARTR Technology Development Stages anticipated to be addressed in building a Weather Citizen Science app. The fee is the “rental” fee for use of the staged software. The numbers in the Fee space are currently arbitrary multiples of a “unit price”, also arbitrarily started at a 1$/month.

1st:      [Fee:free] Website for User registration into a Global Weather Community of Interests (GWC of Interests) (an undifferentiated  Knowledge-Bank (K-B) e.g. as  Zotero—a free easy-to-use tool to assist in collecting, organizing, citing and sharing weather information)

 2nd:      [Fee: 1]  For access to a regularly updated AutoCategorization into subgroups of the GWC of Interest according to similar interests (K-B differentiated by interest groups (GWC of Intent))

3rd:       [Fee:2]   Users can access combined causal discovery algorithms and interactive data analysis and modeling tools to support causal theory and model building and verification [the core of the Weather Citizen Science Tool];

4th:       [Fee:3]    Access to a web technology to support open-ended argument construction by large numbers of weather related contributors

5th:       [Fee:4]    Access to augmented state-of-the-art crowdsourcing methods with machine learning to identify and best employ the diverse knowledge of contributors in the weather related community;
6th:       [Fee:5]    Access to optimization of crowdsourcing infrastructure for effectively decomposing and allocating effort supporting communal weather related projects based on multiple criteria, including trading off between learning opportunities and maximizing performance.
 7th:       [Fee:6]   Robust adaptive machine learning for varied citizen science applications.          [To provide an experiential basis for the autonomous modifications
                                of the core of the Weather Citizen Science Tool