Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Rural Learning Center St. Croix

AHAInstitute, coupled with various partners are currently exploring the construction of a Rural Learning Center in St. Croix, Virgin Islands. In a continuing effort to re-define “rural” and re-vitalize rural communities around the world, St. Croix has been recognized with potential loci for such a facility. After all, there are few places as rural as an Island. St. Croix hosts a difficult arid cultivation base, a lack of quality water, impoverished indigenous population, and a wealthy “snowbird” residency that adds little to the local economy – all important vectors well suited to the solutions of a Rural Learning Center. Design elements for the Center include:
  • Modern facility with digital media learning applications, conference rooms, distance learning media, and “tourist learning” ready accommodations.
  • At least 50% energy resources derived from Solar and Wind technologies.
  • Fully functioning aquaculture farm producing revenue generating produce and fish end product.
  • Microbial-based Sustainable Technology Ponds converting 75% of the Center’s waste in to sale-able Premium Grade Potting Soil.
The Center will form a tightly woven relationship with the St. Croix University of Agriculture to address the specific needs of rural island communities; and serve as a model for rural island community development around the world.

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