Mapping the NEW (VIRTUAL RELATIONAL) WORLD: AHA!Institute Virtual Campus {Re:SYN7-Design Concept}
Over the next year you will see the implementation of our vision of AHA!Institute move from the classic blog format to a full-featured and environment rich “Virtual Campus” website including E-Education (learning) , Automated Idea Generation (thinking), Community Building and Enterprise (including Business) Incubation (acting). To say that the new iteration of the AHA!Institute will be a “campus” is a bit adventurous since there has never been, at least to this author’s knowledge, a robust Virtual collaboration built on Synthetic Intelligence that automatically assesses the Value of a contribution and spontaneously builds communities recognizing that valuation. The “AHA!Institute Virtual Campus” stands to be the 1st collaboration and learning environment of it’s kind found since the WWW inception. AHA!Institute will harness the AI driven Knowledge Development Platform,, and Gnostek’s proprietary “Knowledge Valuing” toolsets to build a robust “Campus” of Relational Researchers. Some participants may come purely to increase their knowledge of a certain subject, others may come to generate new ideas, or possibly collaborate on the construction of a patent, a book outline, a business idea, or a new and better mousetrap. Whatever the reason for a “student” or “relational researcher’s” entry into the AHA!Institute Campus, one factor will remain the same: their “value,” “status,” or “position” in the Campus derives solely from their contribution of MIND. Test scores, resumes, and financial contributions will not play a role in accessing this virtual campus of Relational Researchers.
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