A Person’s Experiences, ranging from common sense to the highly abstract, can all be fundamentally (without addressing uniqueness) recorded either as experience of Systems (objects, things, stuff, matter, etc.) or experience of Relations (connections, interactions, functions, transformations, etc.). One contemporary author who has explored and reassessed the treatment of the philosophical notion of Relation from the perspective of the Western Worldview, at least as exhaustively and profoundly as is currently evident, is Rodolphe Gasché, 1999. In moving from the ontological conception of relation as a thing of diminished being and yet holding to the conviction that relation is a being-towards-another, he has shown that the history of evolving thought of philosophers on the notion of relation has at least demonstrated that it is not constrained to exclusive subordination by the traditional ontological and formalist interpretations of relation as being-towards-another-thing, but allows the possibility of relation as being-towards-another-relation. “One of the most profound scientific recognitions of modern times is that the Universe no longer can be categorized only through objects, but rather must be seen as fundamentally relational. If the manifest Universe is relational, then it behooves us to understand how relations relate!” From Hamann and Rindge (1978).
By Presumption, this is the Essence of Existence (Nonexistence) Beyond the Personal.
FOUNDATIONS OF MULTICORELATIONAL SYSTEMS: [Multi=multiple; Co=interrelated] In formulating the notion of relations relating relations by adding specificity to the foregoing Experiential/Existential/Essential Foundations statement, the General Foundations Presumption of the existence of four relational forms has been introduced where logically, these four forms exhaust the number of possible categories of relational forms that can be obtained by combining Systems and Relations through Relations; hence, the origin of MultiCoRelationism (Hamann, n.d.) as a potentially (R)Evolutionary symbol-form for a Relational Worldview.
- Based on the foregoing general presumptions and of the Specific Presumtions of the existence of an Inter (Actional) Relation (decision relation) among certain Systems or Relations, and with certain Systems or Relations being-as-other Systems or Relations (this being the notion of image->sign), and with certain Systems or Relations being-of-other Systems or Relations (this being the notion of subsumption>distinction), the foundation of a (R)Evolutionary Relational paradigm, MultiCoRelational Systems (MCRS), was promulgated.
- The expression (communication) of the Experience Beyond the Personal rests in-and- on Signs (for Systems or Relations), signs being acknowledgeably both the Essence of Mind (recognizing the carrier role of the brain/body) and of Virtuality.
- Not only are the processes of mind (i.e. what we can think and communicate) constrained by the languages (signs) we use (Northrop, 2002), language itself requires a different logic for inquiry vs. inference vs. intuition. This consideration is inherent in the applied multicorelational premise regarding synthesis of both language and mind.
- As a MCRS derivative, the form of a theory of theory formation with an inherent FORM requiring co-existent Order, DisOrder and ReOrdering (ODORO) MutiCoRelations is being promulgated as a candidate upon which to formalize a Theory of Mind (AG/GnosTeks) and to engineer its technological instantiation as Synthetic Mind (the AutoGnome).