MCM-Global Metro Knowledge
[This concept is treated in: Pendergraft, E. D. 1993. The Future's Voice: Intelligence Based on Pragmatic Logic. Jasper, AR.: Privately Distributed. Pragmatic Logic Corporation].
The last half of the 20th century evidenced a growing unrest with our present conceptualizations of experience, in particular, in socio-economic-political organization. This trend is now rapidly approaching a crisis point which will necessitate a major shift in world view. The emerging paradigm is one in which the “deep structure” of the universe is viewed as a super hologram. The data underlying this conceptual revolution comes from various areas of the “frontiers of research” which are “other-than-norm”. The unifying feature throughout this data is the concept of The Whole as a system which presences in each and every part. In the large, orthodox research and applications development has always actively resisted or passively ignored all data which is “other-than-norm”. The current crisis in knowledge has been cogently summarized in the suggested need for a different scientific methodology for each (altered) state of consciousness. The fundamental resolution of this crisis, however, necessitates a shift (or broadening) in paradigm such that the present sole concern with system-as-totality is extended to emphasize the system-as-whole. It is no longer questionable as to whether this shift (to the Sixth Universe of Mind) will come; it is of concern, however, as to how long it will take since it has been previously observed that major conceptual changes may require 50 years (the passage of 2 biological generations of Humans).
[From the back cover of Laszlo, Ervin. 2009. WorldShift 2012. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions]
“The deepening economic crisis and the threat posed by climate change and other social and ecological trends has caused many to despair. But with great danger comes great opportunity – the opportunity for fundamental change that will transform our societies from top to bottom. In WorldShift 2012, Ervin Laszlo bring together insights for creating sustainable positive change from spiritual leaders, scientists and visionary businesspeople – people such as Albert Einstein, Mohammad Yunus, Vaclav Havel, Eckhart Tolle, Ken Wilber, David Korten, Paul Hawken, and Tomoyo Nonaka. He shows how we can replace the limited consciousness of our failing society with the holistic consciousness that is reflected in the unified field of quantum physics: the Akashic field.
We have an opportunity to move from the current political and business model of grow or die to a sustainable world respectful of human beings, nature, and the planet. Change on this level calls for a profound shift in consciousness and clear understanding that – as cutting-edge physics shows – we are truly connected with each other and with the cosmos. This book (WorldShift 2012) presents clear evidence of this connectedness and describes the tools we need to make our world greener and our plant safer as we strive to realize the holistic consciousness of connection through the Akashic field.”
ERVIN LASZLO, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution and the founder and president of the international think tanks the Club of Budapest, the World Wisdom Council, and the General Evolution Research Group. He is the author of 85 books, translated into 22 languages, and he lives in Tuscany.
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